Seanad debates

Friday, 18 December 2009

4:00 pm

Photo of Martin ManserghMartin Mansergh (Tipperary South, Fianna Fail)

I am glad to be able to give Senator Donohoe the absolute assurance he is seeking. I would like to thank him for raising this matter, which I am taking on behalf of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform. Fitzgibbon Street station has a long and proud record of service to the people of north inner-city Dublin. It is to be refurbished to allow it maintain that record into the future. There is absolutely no threat to the future of Fitzgibbon Street Station. The Minister has been happy in recent times to give that same assurance to my Dáil colleague, Deputy Cyprian Brady.

On 30 October the personnel strength at Fitzgibbon Garda station was 120. Fitzgibbon Garda station forms part of the DMR north central Garda division. On the same date, the personnel strength of the DMR north central Garda division was 718. There are 23 community gardaí attached to Fitzgibbon Street Garda station and four juvenile liaison officers attached to the DMR north central Garda division.

The Minister has been informed by the Garda authorities that, due to its condition, it is necessary to temporarily vacate Fitzgibbon Street Garda station to facilitate refurbishment of the premises. During this period, the Garda personnel allocated to Fitzgibbon Street will operate from Mountjoy Garda station. The Minister has been also assured by the Garda authorities that current policing levels will be maintained and that there will be no diminution of the service being provided to the local community. The Minister would emphasise that the measures referred to will be temporary and that they will be discontinued when the necessary refurbishment work at Fitzgibbon Street Station has been completed.


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