Seanad debates

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Long-Term Illness Scheme


1:00 pm

Photo of John Paul PhelanJohn Paul Phelan (Fine Gael)

I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Andrews. My Adjournment matter is self-explanatory. My knowledge of fibromyalgia stems from the fact that a very good friend in Kilkenny suffers from this debilitating condition. In fact, a great number of Irish people suffer from it. It is something that causes muscle pain and fatigue in sufferers and not only leads to them enduring prolonged periods of pain but also forces them to be out of work most of the time. The man in question whom I know missed work two days out of five last week because of this debilitating condition. Sufferers are trying to get the Government to acknowledge the condition, as it has been by the World Health Organization since 1992, to ensure they will be in a position to offset some of the associated costs. My friend spends approximately €100 a month on medication. For a family on modest income that is a considerable amount of money.

I am anxious to hear the Minister of State's response. I know some consideration was being given within the Department of Health and Children to whether this condition should be recognised. I hope the Minister of State is in a position to give a favourable response.


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