Seanad debates

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Departmental Reports


6:00 pm

Photo of Jerry ButtimerJerry Buttimer (Fine Gael)

With respect, the reply from the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government is not satisfactory. It is an appalling response from a Government that has had 11 months to peruse, deliberate on and arrive at "an appropriate response" to the report. Why is there a question about the publication of the forum report?

I accept this is not the Minister's Department but the reply is a disgrace. It made no attempt to explain why the report has not been published, when it will be published and whether the Government is serious about the Cork docklands. We already knew everything in the reply, aside from two paragraphs. It is unacceptable that I have this report with me tonight even though it is unpublished and there is no guarantee that it will be published. I ask the Minister of State to speak to the Minister, Deputy John Gormley, and ask him to set a time for the report to be published. This is vital. The reply I received tonight is an insult to the people of Cork. I do not blame the Minister of State, Deputy Áine Brady, as it is not her Department.


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