Seanad debates

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Investment of the National Pensions Reserve Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2009: Committee Stage


4:00 pm

Photo of Liam TwomeyLiam Twomey (Fine Gael)

On the due diligence that will be carried out before this, how much of the other reports will be taken into account? Does the PwC report come into this, does the Farrell Grant Sparks report come into this or does the National Pensions Reserve Fund itself do a complete, different due diligence report?

In the past six months we received very variable ideas of how solid or otherwise are the banks being recapitalised. In October last, the CEO of AIB dismissed the Government having any role in recapitalisation and now there is legislation being brought in that will allow for an unlimited amount of funding to be handed over to both of these banks.


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