Seanad debates

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

5:00 pm

Photo of David NorrisDavid Norris (Independent)

I understand the Minister of State is just reading a script. However, will he return to the Minister for Health and Children with the requests I made? It is an embarrassment to seek €3 million for a bit of administration. No teaching is being done and I am perfectly morally certain there is much double-jobbing going on there. The people administering this are otherwise occupied and are paid for by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland. The figure of €3 million is excessive and I believe it is going back to the central fund.

I raised several itemised points on behalf of the students. Will the Minister of State take them back to his colleague, the Minister for Health and Children? I attach no blame to the Minister of State for the paucity and inadequacy of his response. However, I believe it is not too late. I understand that today a meeting will be held on this matter. Will the Minister of State ask his colleague to take these matters into account when making a final decision?


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