Seanad debates

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Business of Seanad


10:30 am

Photo of Pat MoylanPat Moylan (Fianna Fail)

I have received notice from Senator Cecilia Keaveney that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, she proposes to raise the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Health and Children to outline the efforts being made to reduce waiting lists in Letterkenny General Hospital, County Donegal, and to ascertain whether the supports being given under the National Treatment Purchase Fund, NTPF, for those waiting for operations for more than three months are equal to those in other parts of the country.

I have also received notice from Senator Jerry Buttimer of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Health and Children to outline the reasons a national strategy has not been implemented.

I have also received notice from Senator Pearse Doherty on the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Education and Science to address the unacceptable situation whereby school secretaries and caretakers across the State receive disparate rates of pay, and the fact that these workers, if they are not covered by the Department's 1978-79 scheme, are in many cases paid below the minimum wage.

I regard the matters raised as suitable for discussion on the Adjournment and they will be taken at the conclusion of business.


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