Seanad debates

Tuesday, 3 April 2007


Special Educational Needs.

9:00 pm

Fergal Browne (Fine Gael)

Why is there a waiting list of 18 months for children to access speech therapy in County Carlow? As there are no private speech therapists in County Carlow, affected parents do not have the option of taking the private route. What is the waiting list time for occupational therapy for children?

I was forced to raise this matter on the Adjournment because I could not get a straightforward answer from the Health Service Executive. I would also be lucky to receive the reply after the general election. I must compliment the Department of Social and Family Affairs. Recently I had to send a query in an awkward case to the Department. Not only did I receive a favourable reply, it came in four days. The HSE could learn much from the Department in respect of questions from public representatives. The Department's replies are prompt and positive. The HSE must replicate such a system of excellent delivery.


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