Seanad debates

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Foyle and Carlingford Fisheries Bill 2006: Committee and Remaining Stages


7:00 pm

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Fine Gael)

I move amendment No. a1a:

In page 6, line 19, after "sea" to insert "or an oyster bed".

These amendments were resubmitted because before this was put to the Dáil, there was a general consensus that the native oyster would not be subject to law and that people in the native oyster industry would not be subject to new proceedings. I have tabled the amendment to have it on record, although I do not propose to press it.

The Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Deputy Gallagher, will be familiar with the Foyle and the serious problems many of the area's major stakeholders and practitioners are experiencing in the areas of mussels or oysters. Many of those involved in the industry find it difficult to develop a sustainable zoned management strategy. Any strategy must be developed from the bottom up.

I am glad departmental officials are in the House. We must focus our efforts on moving forward with the new legislation with all the stakeholders and not just the representative organisations. There are active harbour committees on either side of Lough Foyle but we must also convince practitioners of future plans and strategy. Through his colleague, Deputy Keaveney, the Minister of State, a native of County Donegal, will be familiar with the challenges which lie ahead on the Foyle.


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