Seanad debates

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Mary O'RourkeMary O'Rourke (Fianna Fail)

Senator Coghlan spoke about stamp duty reform. He said we are divergent in our opinions. Of course we are. That is what makes for good Government.

Senator Quinn referred to investment in education. He is concerned about the report of the Department of Education and Science on primary teaching, some of which we saw this morning. He also called for the swift regularisation of driving instructors. He stated the process should not be allowed to drag on. The Senator also referred to next Saturday and I thank him for so doing. I agree it will be a matter of pride for us. We can set an example to the world. We could all indulge ourselves a little but I do not think it is the time for that.

Senator Mansergh was very soothing in stating we will debate all issues relating to finance in the context of the Finance Bill. Senator Ulick Burke referred to trainee teachers. He asked us not to be critical. Why can we not be critical? I do not understand that.


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