Seanad debates

Wednesday, 10 May 2006

6:00 pm

Photo of John Gerard HanafinJohn Gerard Hanafin (Fianna Fail)

I thank Senator Ulick Burke for raising the issue of St. Catherine's national school, Aughrim. It is another area that is experiencing the rapid population growth which is putting pressure on many schools throughout the country to respond to increasing enrolments, the consequent increase in teachers and added pressures as a result of positive policies. Last year 600 resource and support teachers were allocated to deal with children with learning difficulties and special needs. Now, 5,000 of the teaching cohort at primary level are dealing with learning support, which places a space requirement on schools.

The reduction in class sizes this year and in September places increased pressure on space because every teacher will want a classroom. With the disadvantage programme and smaller classes, there will be an extra 500 primary school teachers in September, all of which causes pressure on space in our schools.

We are, however, spending almost €500 million this year to upgrade and modernise schools throughout the country. I understand St. Catherine's wanted to be one of them and progress its interests. The fact it was offered the permanent initiative of €300,000 is a sign the Department recognised it deserved the extra space. This would probably have met its needs at the time of application. However, current demographics and the extra supports gone into the school mean it needs more space than would be possible under the grant given.

The school currently has a principal and four mainstream assistant teachers. It also has a school-based shared learning support teacher and a permanent and temporary resource teacher. Therefore, current requirements already put the school under pressure and enrolment has also increased to 116 from 85.

The Senator pointed out that what the school wants to do and what the Department also requires is to prepare for the requirements not just for 2006 but also for 2007 and 2008. It is important, therefore, to consider enrolment and demographic trends and recent and planned housing developments in the area. This is being done. It is not just a question of saying as there will be "X" number of children, we need "X" number of classrooms, because along with those children there is also a need for extra resource teachers and supports.

As soon as the review is completed, we will sign off on the additional facilities needed. The review should not take long, but as it is a growing area, it is important to get it right. In light of the announcements I have made this year, I am anxious to help a school such as St. Catherine's. Once the enrolment demographics are identified, I will be able to look at it. Band 2 is a high priority rating rather than a stage in a process. Band 1 covers amalgamated schools, special needs schools and areas where there are no schools, such as the new developing areas in west and north County Dublin.


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