Seanad debates

Wednesday, 2 November 2005

Sugar Beet Industry.


7:00 pm

Fergal Browne (Fine Gael)

As someone who comes from one of the great beet growing areas in the country, I attended many meetings with the Minister. These included meetings with Cork beet growers, Wexford beet growers, south-east beet growers and the IFA regionally and nationally. The Minister is very aware of the importance of the sugar beet industry to farmers generally, the beet growers, which is a viable industry, to workers, contractors and hauliers. It is a unique industry in that whatever negotiations the Minister concludes in Brussels, which I hope will be in the best interests of Ireland, she must take into account all the different sectors involved in the industry.

I appreciate the Senator's support and I assure him that the Minister will be fighting on behalf of the Irish beet growers and farmers on 22, 23 and 24 November.


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