Seanad debates

Thursday, 6 October 2005

Northern Ireland Issues: Statements.


2:00 pm

Photo of Camillus GlynnCamillus Glynn (Fianna Fail)

This situation presents a challenge to all concerned. Triumphalism and provocative marches must cease. The PSNI must be impartial in enforcing the law. A number of people who visited here, led by a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly, highlighted the seriousness of loyalist violence. They said that when a telephone call in complaint was made to the PSNI, the person who made the call waited 45 minutes for someone to speak to him. A call acknowledging the initial complaint was received two and a half hours later. That is a typical example of delayed reaction. There must be peace but it has to be peace with justice. The PSNI must be impartial in enforcing the law.


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