Seanad debates

Thursday, 25 November 2004

Telecommunications Services.


6:00 pm

Fergal Browne (Fine Gael)

I thank the Minister of State for his reply. I wish to take up his last point about the ComReg website, which I have visited and found to have good and bad aspects. It is good that it can be searched on the basis of a map of Ireland or by typing in key words. If one wants to check if there is a nursing home in County Donegal with a base station, one can do so by searching through the County Donegal list and typing in "nursing home". One is given a list of places, but it may transpire that they do not all have base stations. All one learns is that there is a base station near the nursing home. That is a weakness in the website. It is a good idea, but it needs to be more specific. When I typed in "nursing home" to search the County Carlow list, I was given a list of places. I telephoned all the nursing homes to find out if they have base stations. The website suggested that there was a telecommunications system at St. Fiach's in Graiguecullen, but the nearest one is at Killeshin, which is approximately two miles away. The website is a step in the right direction, but it could be updated or made more specific. It certainly needs more refinement.


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