Seanad debates

Wednesday, 10 December 2003

Adjournment Matters. - Schools Building Projects.


This school has been on the building list of the Department of Education and Science for the longest period of any school, I suppose. The application goes back 12 years. The Gaelscoil started in 1985 and has 13 teachers and 118 pupils. It has an excellent track record in education. Over two years ago the Taoiseach, Deputy Ahern, visited the school and saw at first hand the urgent necessity for a replacement school. The school is located in the community centre and seven pre-fabricated buildings. Due to the parents' financial commitments the school erected two pre-fabricated buildings recently. In June 2003 the Department of Education and Science rejected even giving a rent allowance for the two pre-fabricated buildings on the basis that they were lacking in funds.


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