Seanad debates

Wednesday, 19 November 2003

Stem Cell Research: Statements.


Opposition in respect of this matter is clearly based on the view of the Catholic Church that an embryo, from the moment of conception, is human life. In 1982, I was involved in trying to achieve some consensus between the churches on a pro-life amendment to the Constitution and I am aware that a faultline exists in this regard. Other churches would not necessarily take the view that human life begins at the moment of conception. The point has been made that last year we put forward, with the Catholic Church, a proposal which states that life commences at implantation. I am extremely uncomfortable about issues of this nature which play on the confessional divide. It is clear that the vast majority of people in this country are of the Catholic faith or were raised in the Catholic tradition and many of them feel passionately that the embryo is human life. That view would not be held as strongly outside the Catholic Church and, therefore, there might be a more pragmatic view of this proposal in existence. As already stated, even in secular terms, this is borderline.


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