Seanad debates

Friday, 4 July 2003

Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2003 [ Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil ] : Report and Final Stages.


On the question of enforcement, I reiterate my earlier remarks about self-enforcement. We live in a society where the success or failure of this legislation will depend on whether the Garda Sióchána puts its shoulder to the wheel in making sure it is enforced. I may have to talk to the Commissioner and the Commissioner designate on this subject but it strikes me that it may have to be enforced on a regional basis as it is difficult if it is always the local garda who has to come down heavy on the local publican as people complain about the abuse of power and authority. In urban areas a specialist squad which would operate on a random basis would be more effective. If one goes into a public house accompanied by a single member of the Garda Síochána, it is difficult for the garda to check all the cards of everybody going in and out to make sure the law is being complied with. A few high profile instances where six gardaí came to make sure the law was being complied with on a random basis would get the message across that this was not legislation intended to remain on the shelf but rather intended to have a practical effect. That would probably be the best use of Garda resources but, again, I have to defer to the views of the Commissioner and Commissioner designate who have operational responsibility for the deployment of Garda resources. I take from this House, and the debate and reservations expressed earlier, a strong mandate to communicate to the authorities within the Garda Síochána that it is the view of this House that the Legislature has done its bit and that it is now up to the enforcement authorities to do their part.


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