Seanad debates

Wednesday, 25 June 2003

Council Regulation on Procedures for amending the Sirene Manual: Referral to Joint Committee. - Health Service Reform: Statements (Resumed).


While the Hanly report has not been published, it has been leaked to newspapers and it contains a strategy to reduce the average weekly working hours of non-consultant hospital doctors to 48 by 2009 in order to comply with the EU working time directive. The practical implications of moving to a consultant-provided rather than a consultant-led service need to be analysed. However, it should mean that consultants will be immediately accessible for clinical decision-making and treatment through a renegotiated common contract. The current contract was not well negotiated. The report makes several recommendations on hospital structures including the provision of a single speciality hospital, a national hospital authority, training reorganisation, regional and national specialities.


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