Seanad debates

Wednesday, 25 June 2003

Council Regulation on Procedures for amending the Sirene Manual: Referral to Joint Committee. - Health Service Reform: Statements (Resumed).


The annual health budget in 1997 was €3.7 billion, while in 2003 it is projected to be more than €9 billion. This significant increase has led to what is perceived as a poorer service. That is remarkable because every cent of taxpayers' money will be invested in the health service this year. The Government has commissioned three reports, two of which have been published with the third due shortly. It is puzzling that three reports were needed because there will be a considerable overlap, but, hopefully, there will be benefits in the not too distant future. Everybody, including the Government, accepts that the Administration will stand or fall on the improvement of the health service. Hopefully, the electorate will be wiser at the next election and will hold the Government to proper account for broken promises and failures.


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