Seanad debates

Tuesday, 24 June 2003

Fisheries (Amendment) Bill 2002 [ Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil ] : Report and Final Stages.


2:30 pm

Photo of John BrowneJohn Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)

I thank Senators on all sides of the House for their support. We first discussed the Bill in the House last December and a number of amendments were tabled. There was a major debate on Committee Stage when Opposition spokespersons, Deputies Broughan, Ryan and Coveney, tabled a number of amendments which were accepted.

On the issues raised by Senator Kenneally, we cannot have things every way. There were calls on all sides of the House for an independent body. We now have such a body which will deal with licensing. I am sure parliamentary questions will be tabled to Ministers in the future but if we are to have an independent body, it should be just that. The Minister should have no involvement whatsoever in issuing licences or dealing with the appeals which may follow.


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