Seanad debates

Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Bill 2003: Committee Stage.


10:30 am

Acting Chairman:

The amendment is out of order.

Acting Chairman:

Amendment No. 7 not moved.

Acting Chairman:

Government amendment No. 8:

Acting Chairman:

In page 10, subsection (1)(a), line 22, to delete "12 directors" and substitute "14 directors".

Acting Chairman:

Amendment agreed to.

Acting Chairman:

Government amendment No. 9:

Acting Chairman:

In page 10, subsection (2)(a), line 29, to delete "2 persons" and substitute "3 persons".

Acting Chairman:

Amendment agreed to.

Acting Chairman:

Government amendment No. 10:

Acting Chairman:

In page 10, lines 39 to 41, to delete subsection (3) and substitute the following new subsections:


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