Seanad debates

Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Maternity Protection (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second Stage.


Senators O'Toole and O'Meara dealt with the provision of child care facilities. The Government fully recognises the need for an increased number of affordable child care places and has committed €436 million to the equal opportunities child care programme. This commitment was renewed in the new social partnership agreement, Sustaining Progress, under which a partnership sub-committee was provided for to consider recommendations on how to improve the availability of quality child care services for working parents, and how the supply of pre-school and after-school child care places could be accelerated. Rather than not doing enough with regard to child care, the Government has committed an enormous amount of taxpayer's money to the area. Over the period of the Government plan, we are talking about €436 million to fill a certain number of places. It looks like the target will be met.


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