Seanad debates

Tuesday, 15 April 2003

Government Policy and the Provision of Services for the Elderly: Statements.


Like everybody here, I have been at any amount of day care centre openings, particularly in County Sligo, from Skreen, Easkey and Tubbercurry to the one in my own town, Sligo – St. Anne's, which is a wonderful success story, about which I would like to tell the Minister of State. It is set up in St. Anne's Youth Centre in the middle of a corporation housing estate but the elderly have services of which they can avail every day. They can also walk to the church, the post office and the hospital. They have access to all the amenities that are important to them, which we take for granted, to which we can drive or walk or which we can visit every few months but to which they find it important to get to every few days, or perhaps on a weekly basis. They can now do this from the day care centre.


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