Seanad debates

Thursday, 27 March 2003

Adjournment Matter. - Hospital Services.


The key principles underpinning developments in this area are: capital investment where there are identified capacity constraints; additional revenue funding where there is scope to absorb more patients and provision of additional consultant nephrologists where required to improve access. Against this background, the Minister has established a review group to formulate a national strategy for renal services and set out a framework for future service delivery, while building on the existing development plan. Dr. Liam Plant, a nephrologist at Cork University Hospital will chair the group. The terms of reference for the review have been finalised and a broad representation of all interested parties will be invited onto the group. This initiative is in line with the commitment made in the national health strategy, Quality and Fairness – a Health System for You, that a national review of renal services would be undertaken.


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