Seanad debates

Wednesday, 12 March 2003

Convention on the Future of Europe: Statements.


The last few weeks have been an unmitigated disaster in terms of the EU projecting a common face to the world. Not only has it failed in that regard, but the main players have clearly given up trying. They do not even think that the European aspect of it is to be concentrated on with any degree of interest. Those of them in a position to do so are simply pursuing national interest, and those of us who do not have a major international role, by virtue of not being on the Security Council, are consigned to irrelevance. It is interesting to see the reflections of the smaller countries on the UN Security Council, many of whom would clearly prefer not to be there. It makes one wonder whether a UN Security Council which contains small states which cannot act independently without suffering serious consequences in terms of their relations with, for example, the US, is worth having.


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