Seanad debates

Thursday, 17 October 2002

10:30 am

Photo of Mary O'RourkeMary O'Rourke (Fianna Fail)

That will not be my way. Senator O'Toole said that my manner invited interruptions. I regret that as I do not mean to do so and it makes my job harder. I promise to curb that instinct.

Senator O'Toole referred to the two disabilities Bills – one is a general disabilities Bill while the other is an education Bill for those with disabilities. I do not know where the latter has gone, though I understand it was amended usefully in the Seanad. I will find out and clarify the position. Senator O'Toole also referred to the committees, as did other Members, and he regretted the drop in membership from 15 to 11 in the Dáil and from five to four in the Seanad. That was imposed on us by the other House.


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