Seanad debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2002

Adjournment Matters. - Recognition of Medical Qualifications.


2:30 pm

Photo of Ivor CallelyIvor Callely (Dublin North Central, Fianna Fail)

I welcome the opportunity of making my first visit to the House as Minister of State. I compliment Senator Henry on the statement which she has so knowledgeably and eloquently presented. I also thank her for her positive leadership in supporting a "Yes" vote in the forthcoming Nice referendum. Senator Henry and I have worked well together on a number of issues and we usually find ourselves on common ground as in the present instance.

Perhaps some explanation is required on the background to the issues which Senator Henry has raised. At the request of the Council of Ministers, the European Commission has produced a proposal for a directive, which is aimed at simplifying and consolidating several sectoral and general systems directives governing the recognition by EU member states of the qualifications of professionals. This proposal was launched by DG4 of the European Commission on 7 March 2002.


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