Seanad debates

Thursday, 12 September 2002

An Bille um an Séú Leasú is Fiche ar an mBunreacht, 2002: An Dara Céim. Twenty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2002: Second Stage.


On my way to the House this morning, I heard Professor Matthews of Trinity College declare on radio that we have too many farmers and that small, uneconomic farms should be eliminated in favour of good, commercial farms. Is it possible to link that with the fact that Commissioner Franz Fischler has been asked to postpone his visit to Ireland until after the referendum in order to prevent him disclosing his planned so-called "reforms" which will lead to a reduction in the incomes of many Irish farmers? This is a serious situation. It is suggested in some quarters that the Government has asked Commissioner Fischler not to come until after the referendum because his visit could create further disenchantment with Europe and, perhaps, a swing towards a "No" vote.


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