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RSS feed Senator Rónán Mullen

Photo of Rónán Mullen

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Seanad: Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

“Next Monday.”

Seanad: Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

“I thank the Acting Chair. Again, I thank the Minister for taking this debate and for her encouraging words and challenging words in respect of the contents of the Bill. I also thank all of my friends and colleagues for their contributions. I learned something from each and every contribution. I would see myself very much as a free speech advocate. I am very concerned, as people in the...”

Seanad: Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

“I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire. Gabhaim buíochas léi as ucht teacht anseo don díospóireacht. We are all aware of the increase in sexual crime, including sexual violence, in our society. Some, but only some, of the increase is due to a greater readiness to report such crime. Due to high-profile cases, there is...”

More of Rónán Mullen's recent appearances


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