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RSS feed Senator Mary Seery Kearney

Photo of Mary Seery Kearney

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Seanad: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (17 Jul 2024)

“I have not spoken on this Bill yet because I was leaving it to others to do so on my behalf. The Bill has been a long time in the making and it is unbelievably necessary. From going back to study law, I know the multiplicity of different Acts all over the place and they needed to be consolidated. We needed one strategy and this is it. The time for change is now. It is long overdue, much...”

Seanad: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (17 Jul 2024)

“There has been extensive pre-legislative scrutiny. I know from another Bill I was personally involved in that it not a case that it happens over there and we are not allowed in the room. We are allowed to be in the room. I attended the deliberations of the Dáil select committee on assisted human reproduction, AHR, and made it my business to speak to TDs who were going in and to...”

Seanad: Better Planning for Local Childcare Provision: Motion (17 Jul 2024)


More of Mary Seery Kearney's recent appearances


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