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RSS feed Senator Erin McGreehan

Photo of Erin McGreehan

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Seanad: Better Planning for Local Childcare Provision: Motion (17 Jul 2024)

“I welcome the Minister to the House. I thank Senator Currie and the Fine Gael Senators for tabling the motion. It is very important that we all speak in here on childcare. The Government is the first Government to have a real focus on childcare and it is very welcome. It has provided one of the largest budgets ever. We have seen a lot of positive changes over the past four years. The...”

Seanad: Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

“The Minister is very welcome to the House. As one of the cosignatories of the Bill, I thank her for not opposing it. I would have been very surprised if it had been opposed. Yes, it is imperfect, and the Minister outlined various issues with it, including legal issues, technical things and the fact that it does not mention the landmark legislation that these Houses and this Government put...”

More of Erin McGreehan's recent appearances


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