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Seán Dorgan, former Senator

  • Former Fianna Fail Senator (Nominated by the Taoiseach)
  • Entered the Seanad on 23 June 2007 — appointed
  • Left the Seanad on 23 July 2007 — General election

Most recent appearances in parliament

Seanad: Ministers and Secretaries (Ministers of State) Bill 2007: Second Stage (4 Jul 2007)

“Like Senator O'Gorman, as this is my maiden speech, I ask the Acting Chairman for her patience and forbearance while I briefly go through a number of matters of importance to me. Like all Members, I welcome the Minister of State to the House, congratulate him on his appointment to the Department of Finance and wish him well. I welcome the Bill. Having followed the affairs of the Seanad as...”

Seanad: Ministers and Secretaries (Ministers of State) Bill 2007: Second Stage (4 Jul 2007)

“I beg your pardon. It is a privilege to work with them and their contribution to the recent election campaign has been invaluable. I acknowledge the other new Senators appointed by the Taoiseach for the remainder of this session. Senator Cassidy's knowledge of the Seanad is unmatched and his return to the position of Leader of the House has been widely welcomed. Both Senator Sands and...”

More of Seán Dorgan's recent appearances


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