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RSS feed Senator Catherine Ardagh

Photo of Catherine Ardagh

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Irish Emergency Alliance: Discussion (23 Apr 2024)

“I thank the witnesses for coming in today. I want to be clear on my understanding. The Irish Emergency Alliance is a depository for funds, rather than being actually on the ground. Is that correct?”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Irish Emergency Alliance: Discussion (23 Apr 2024)

“I am just trying to understand whether the Irish Emergency Alliance itself is represented on the ground or whether funds are given to the various agencies. The Irish Emergency Alliance is not directly on the ground.”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Irish Emergency Alliance: Discussion (23 Apr 2024)

“Yes, but the Irish Emergency Alliance does not. I am trying to figure out whether there is duplication of staff on the ground. Obviously there is a huge amount of trust in all the organisations such as Concern, UNICEF and Trócaire. As politicians, people come to us to ask who they should give money to. We find it hard to pick the best one. So many organisations appear before this...”

More of Catherine Ardagh's recent appearances


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