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Results 1-2 of 2 for destroyed segment:7286064

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (27 Nov 2018)

Carol Nolan: ...did not. I have a conscientious objection to this Bill, as does my colleague beside me. We were forced out of the party that Deputy represents. How dare that Deputy come in here and try to destroy me and my character and make accusations like that.

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (27 Nov 2018)

Carol Nolan: ...continuously to pay for the infliction of fatal acts upon the most vulnerable who have done no wrong. The despicable injustice of forcing people who cherish human life to pay for babies to be destroyed is simply too plainly obvious for any of us not to see it. People deeply upset by seeing this State become a place where the law provides for the deaths of the innocent and defenceless...

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