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Results 1-20 of 355 for mygovid

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Eligibility (22 Jan 2025)

Heather Humphreys: ..., it is open to make an Additional Needs Payment application by completing a SWA1 form and providing any necessary supporting documentation. Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account they can apply for an ANP at I understand that a Designated Person contacted the person concerned on 08/01/2025 to discuss the outcome of their applications...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Payments (7 Nov 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...of a completed application form and supporting documentation, the person's claim will be assessed, and she will be advised of the outcome in writing. Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account she can apply for an ANP at I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Public Services Card (5 Nov 2024)

Heather Humphreys: the method used by my department to verify a person’s identity. Following this process, a person will receive their Public Services Card (PSC). Their PSC can then be used to get a verified MyGovID account, which allows the person to access a range of online public services. To verify their identity, the person should make a SAFE registration appointment at their local...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Payments (24 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: the Department of Social Protection for a period of time. A payment statement covering the requested time period has issued by post to the person concerned. All customers with a verified MyGovID account can request a payment statement at any time. I hope that this clarifies the matter for the deputy.

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Emergency Accommodation (22 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...'s claim will be assessed on its individual merits based on the circumstances at that time, and they will be advised of the outcome in writing. Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account they can apply for an ANP at I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Eligibility (22 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...for fuel allowance has been received from the person concerned. An application form for fuel allowance issued to the person on 17 October 2024. Alternatively, they can apply online through their MyGovID account. A deciding officer will then review their entitlement to the allowance. I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Committee on Public Petitions: Consideration of Public Petition on Voting for Irish-born Citizens Abroad: Discussion (17 Oct 2024) See 4 other results from this debate

Pat Buckley: People in Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand or wherever could log on to MyGovID, type in their PPS number and passport number, show their ID and cast their vote.

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Departmental Advertising (16 Oct 2024)

Paschal Donohoe: ...x20ac;2,706 2023 €48,452 €6,458 2024 to-date €42,984 €11,736 * With regard to the expenditure on online advertising in 2017 and 2018, this primarily relates to communications to support MyGovID and the services it enables, promoting the website which provided a...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Payments (15 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...completed application form and supporting documentation, the claim will be assessed, and the person will be advised of the outcome in writing. Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account they can apply for an ANP at . Disability Allowance (DA) is a weekly allowance paid to people with a specified disability who are aged 16 or over and under the age of 66. The...

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Civil Registration Service (9 Oct 2024)

Anne Rabbitte: ...authentication framework environment, SAFE, identity following verification of their identity through the Department of Social Protection’s SAFE registration process and who have a verified MyGovID account. Once the parent has completed the online birth registration he or she will be provided with a link to the HSE website,, in order to order a paper certificate....

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Payments (9 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...pension (contributory). Their state pension (contributory) entitlement will be reviewed at this stage. The quickest way to apply for LTCCs is online at if the person has a verified MyGovID account. Further information is available on the Government website at It is also open to them to apply for the state pension (non-contributory) which is a...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: State Pensions (9 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...attributed to cover gaps in their contribution record. The periods of caregiving do not need to be consecutive. The quickest way to apply for LTCCs is online at if the person has a verified MyGovID account. Further information is available on the Government website at Where a person aged 66 or over qualifies for less than the maximum rate, it is also...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Departmental Expenditure (8 Oct 2024)

Paschal Donohoe: ...Services to OGP for the Capital Works Management Framework Review €13,773 Arvo Consultancy Support in developing a national framework for the procurement of design services by public bodies €11,070 Deloitte Consulting Review of MyGovID on eIDAS LOA €49,500 ...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: State Pensions (3 Oct 2024)

Heather Humphreys: cover gaps in their contribution record. The periods of caregiving do not need to be consecutive. The quickest way to apply for LTCCs is online at if the person has a verified MyGovID account. Further information is available on the Government website at It is open to the person concerned to apply for the means-tested State Pension (non-contributory),...

Joint Committee on the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Speaking Community: Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023 an Choimisinéara Teanga agus Ábhair Ghaolmhara: Plé (2 Oct 2024) See 3 other results from this debate

...xed; a bhain le córas na scéimeanna teanga, bhí cúlú ar ghealltanais ó scéim go scéim, doiléireacht maidir le sonraíocht na seirbhíse a bhí le soláthar agus easpa soiléireacht maidir leis na hacmhainní foirne a bhí sé de dhualgas ar chomhlacht poiblí a chur ar fáil ina leith. Is díol...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Benefits (24 Sep 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...person's claim will be assessed on its individual merits based on the circumstances at that time, and they will be advised of the outcome in writing. Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account he can apply for an ANP at . I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Benefits (19 Sep 2024) See 1 other result from this answer

Heather Humphreys: ...application form and supporting documentation, the claim will be assessed, and the person concerned will be advised of the outcome in writing. Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account, they can apply for an ANP at . Further information on all of my Department’s schemes and payments is available at . I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Productivity and Savings Task Force: Discussion (18 Sep 2024)

...This will take time. In parallel with that, we are developing a health app for patients which will start to use what we already have. That will be launched at the end of this year. That will use MyGovID, which over 2 million people are already using, and will give people access to their medical cards, their EHICs and their long-term illness cards. It will also have the option to...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Benefits (9 Sep 2024)

Heather Humphreys: ...completing a SWA1 form. This form is available in all Intreo Centres and can also be requested by calling the National CWS freephone line at 0818 60 70 80 or at Alternatively, if the person has a verified MyGovID account they can apply for an ANP at I trust this clarifies the matter.

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Schemes (9 Sep 2024)

Heather Humphreys: all Intreo Centres and can also be requested by calling the National CWS freephone line at 0818 60 70 80 or at: Alternatively, if the person concerned has a verified MyGovID account they can apply for an ANP at I trust this clarifies the matter.

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