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Results 1-13 of 13 for tui segment:5768254

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Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Joanna Tuffy: Thanks very much. I will conclude by thanking the representatives of the TUI and NALA for their presentations and for taking questions also. It was a good debate, which was informative for us before we deal with the legislation. We will send the presentations to the Minister together with a transcript of the meeting. We will ask the Minister for his comments. If we have any reply before...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Fidelma Healy Eames: Is it possible for the witnesses to address the questions members asked about the serious position put by the TUI concerning the diminution or elimination or both of existing contractual and statutory rights? Mr. Glynn should tell me how and where that could happen. How many teachers might this affect? To what type of contracts might this happen? This is the question I have asked and to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

.... Consequently, we do not perceive this to be a particular difficulty. As for the composition of boards, we intend to table three matters. First, it is an 18-person board and in broad terms, the TUI believes; there should be three thirds, that is, local authority members should comprise one third, one third should come from the teacher and staff side and one third from the parents,...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Joanna Tuffy: ...level, which hinders their prospects of mobility within education. The dilemma is that they could go back to full-time study but if they have families that is not feasible. In terms of helping TUI members get their educational qualifications to teach up to the highest level, is the TUI working on ensuring that teachers can do that and work at the same time to allow them get the extra...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012) respect of qualifications. Any one of those on its own would be hugely disruptive to any organisation but the three together represent a massive change. We in the VEC sector and the members of the TUI have always shown ourselves to be flexible, innovative and willing to take on change, and that will not change as we move forward. I wanted to get that point across. On the issue of...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

...the provisions currently in the Bill in respect of chief executive officers should also be applied to other members of staff of ETBs. I refer to the second important aspect of this matter. The TUI is and always has been very supportive of the concept of the provision of education on a regional basis. We were fully supportive of the rationalisation involving the amalgamation of town VECs...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Fidelma Healy Eames: ...000 people, who are only the ones getting help and not the ones we know nothing about. I do not have a question for the NALA delegation but I would tell it to keep going. The delegation from the TUI presented us with a fairly serious document, as Deputy Ó Ríordáin noted. Has the TUI met the Minister in respect of the provision of the TUI's vision of free education...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Jonathan O'Brien: I thank the TUI and the National Adult Literacy Agency, NALA, for coming before the committee today. It was important not to rush Committee Stage. We have completed Second Stage but it was wise for the committee to have the opportunity to meet some of the groups before starting to deal with the amendments. In fairness to the Minister he has stated in the House that he is willing to ensure...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin: I thank the representatives of the TUI and NALA for being here today. The TUI submission is remarkably extensive and it will probably take some time to digest the variety of issues addressed. Due to time constraints the delegation was not in a position to go through them in greater detail. Nevertheless, I understand the sentiments expressed. I welcome the representatives from NALA. I...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012) not fundamentally located within the Bill, but it is a remarkably important issue. I will provide some indication of the extent of the problem at the moment. The membership of the TUI is running to 30% of fixed term, that is to say, non-permanent teachers. I understand that the membership of ASTI is in the same region. At second level more than at primary level casualisation is a...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Charlie McConalogue: I join the Chairman in welcoming the representatives from the TUI, NALA and thank them for taking the time to appear before the committee and giving their comprehensive thoughts on the Education and Training Boards Bill and how it will affect education, with particular regard to the their areas of expertise. I thank the TUI representatives for their initial presentation and going through it...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Joanna Tuffy: ...secretary, Mr. Declan Glynn, assistant general secretary, Ms Bernie Judge, education research officer, Mr. Paul Whelan and Ms Ciara O'Donnell, executive committee, Teachers Union of Ireland, TUI; and Mr. John Stewart, national adult literacy co-ordinator, Ms Olive Phelan, adult literacy learner and Mr. Denis McBride, National Adult Literacy Agency, NALA. Apologies have been received from...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Discussion with Teachers Union of Ireland and National Adult Literacy Agency (24 Oct 2012)

Mr. Gerry Craughwell: The Teachers Union of Ireland, TUI, has traditionally supported the broad concept of the provision of post-primary and further education on a regional basis. The TUI position in this regard was set out in its submissions to the 1992 Green Paper on Education and the National Education Convention 1993. The TUI submission to the round table discussions in 1994 set out...

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