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Results 1-20 of 38 for feel speaker:Joe Costello "party:" . (isset($parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")]) ? $parties[ucfirst("$a[1]")] : "$a[1]")

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (21 Jan 2016)

Joe Costello: ...and with regard to matters relating to the Revenue Commissioners and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The end result is that Mr. Browne lost his contract and incurred a bill. He feels that the terms under which he had operated his catering contract in the past were unilaterally done away with. I would appreciate it if we could consider how we might deal with it. He lost...

Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015: Second Stage (Resumed) (25 Mar 2015)

Joe Costello: ...engage with climate change because they see the developed countries as having had decades and maybe centuries of development in which they took no steps to deal with emissions or problems relating to carbon. They feel that climate change measures are an imposition on them because they have only been developing their countries and their industries for a few years. One way to engage the...

Water Sector Reforms: Motion (Resumed) (19 Nov 2014)

Joe Costello: ...such that there is now no confusion. There are two capped charges that stand for the next four years. At the same time, there is the option of households moving to metered charges. Where households feel they can reduce the bill through a metered charge, they are entitled to do so. The estimate that has been given by the Minister is that approximately 50% of households would reduce...

Irish Water: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (23 Oct 2014)

Joe Costello: ...has come at an unfortunate time, immediately after the departure of the troika and the first recovery budget. One can understand that after those years of austerity, our hard-pressed citizens feel mugged when they thought there was light at the end of the tunnel. One of the canards is that water is a basic human right and, therefore, it should be free. Food is a basic human right but...

Select Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: European Development Fund: Motion (29 May 2014)

Joe Costello: .... Deputy Smith also tabled a question on that subject. I assure the Deputies that we have consulted widely on this issue and did not take our decision lightly. We are monitoring the situation because we are unhappy with developments there and feel that we have a responsibility in that respect. We continue to make funding available for the time being but totally avoid any government...

Select Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: Estimates for Public Services 2014
Vote 27 - International Co-operation (Revised)
Vote 28 - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Revised)
(22 Jan 2014)

Joe Costello: ...because we have been waiting since 2000 to progress them. Ireland was one of the countries which wrote a letter to the Commissioner in November seeking maximum flexibility by the Commissioner on the economic partnership agreements, so if countries feel industries need protection for a period of time, exemptions can be made in this respect. We would like flexibility to be the basic...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade: Foreign Affairs Council and Development Aid: Discussion with Minister of State (26 Jun 2013)

Joe Costello: ...changed dramatically. We are a long way away from the situation in 2000. At same time, there is a considerable degree of flexibility. There can be exemptions for individual countries and industries which feel they would be threatened. We remember very well that when we entered the EU in 1973 we were afraid our small and weak industries would be overwhelmed. Instead markets gave us...

Seanad: Mortgage Arrears: Motion (17 Apr 2013)

Joe Costello: ...All debtors and creditors are concerned about this reform and all must be treated fairly. Many persons and companies may be both debtors and creditors. While I understand and share some of the very negative feelings towards financial institutions and their contribution to our current economic difficulties, we must not lose sight of our objective, which is to introduce reformed, workable...

Seanad: Adjournment Matters: Equality Legislation (28 Feb 2013)

Joe Costello: ...persons, both nationally and on the EU stage. These events have included the first EU Presidency side-event on LGBT issues since 2004, which focused on homophobic and transphobic bullying. He feels strongly that this is important groundwork in preparing for informed public debate on these issues in the forthcoming consultation and for future discussions in this House.

Seanad: Syrian Conflict: Statements (25 Sep 2012)

Joe Costello: ...Lebanon, Jordan, Iran and Iraq, with countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia further afield. All have political interests in the area. Some of them are fragile states and some are states which feel they have strategic interests in it. In addition, the superpowers have strategic interests there. As it is such a complex situation, it has been impossible to get UN Security Council...

Seanad: Syrian Conflict: Statements (25 Sep 2012)

Joe Costello: ...Lebanon, Jordan, Iran and Iraq, with countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia further afield. All have political interests in the area. Some of them are fragile states and some are states which feel they have strategic interests in it. In addition, the superpowers have strategic interests there. As it is such a complex situation, it has been impossible to get UN Security Council...

Seanad: Review of White Paper on Irish Aid: Statements, Questions and Answers (9 May 2012)

Joe Costello: ...with and how. By providing substantial support to our partner countries, NGOs and civil society organisations, as well as to multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and the EU, we feel we are able to react to different contexts in varied and appropriate ways. This is an exciting time for the Irish Aid programme. The programme has strong public and political support. We are...

Fifth Report of the Joint Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security: Motion (11 Nov 2010)

Joe Costello: it is and present it to the Oireachtas as a Government Bill. There is precedence for Opposition Bills being taken. This is an all-party Bill that has been agreed in committee. No one should feel bad about accepting it, especially as the Government does not have its own Bill and there is no sign of one coming at present. It is promised but not here. Perhaps, at the end of this...

Announcement by Minister for Finance on Banking of 30 September 2010: Statements (Resumed) (5 Oct 2010)

Joe Costello: To the ordinary person it seems there is one law for the rich and another for the poor. People are angry and disgusted with this and it goes against people's innate sense of fairness. They feel frustration and helplessness and the Government does not realise this. Someone 100,000 people emigrated in the past two years and the USI stated that 100,000 qualified students are on the...

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2009 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (2 Mar 2010)

Joe Costello: ...If the planning departments of local authorities did their work in the first instance and imposed the necessary restrictions on planning permissions so that people affected by developments did not feel aggrieved, there would not be so many referrals to An Bord Pleanála, which would allow the planning process to move more quickly. There should be a greater emphasis on rigorous examination...

Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill 2009 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (11 Feb 2010)

Joe Costello: created the system would require a great deal of care. The Irish Congress of Trade Unions listed a number of other concerns which I wish to place on the record in summary fashion. First, ICTU feels that the provision of exemptions will encourage and reward unfair cost competitions, as companies will tender, even for public procurement, on the basis of the exemptions. This will have...

National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Second Stage (Resumed) (13 Oct 2009)

Joe Costello: it when NAMA is in place. The irony is that they were responsible for causing the recession and now that it exists they will not lend money because they do not believe it is a good deal and feel that the small and medium-sized enterprises are too risky. The Green Party, whose leader is in the House today, had a glorious opportunity last week when it was renegotiating the programme for...

Drug Dealing. (3 Jul 2008)

Joe Costello: ...reject drug dealing and refrain from drug consumption in public houses in the area. Publicans have signs prominently displayed. They are happy with the initiative, happy to participate, and they feel reassured by their ability to demonstrate they are actively implementing the law by preventing drug dealing and drug consumption on their premises. It is reassuring for them to have these...

Lisbon Reform Treaty Report: Statements (4 Jun 2008)

Joe Costello: ...principle through the use of what are called yellow and orange cards, as outlined by Deputy Perry. This is substantial in terms of the power conferred. If one third of the national parliaments feel there is some infringement of the principle of subsidiarity, they will be entitled to ensure that a Commission proposal is sent back for examination with a view to amendment because of their...

Urban Regeneration. (20 May 2008)

Joe Costello: ...the same time with McNamara Construction and should collapse at the same time needs to be explained. My main concern is for the hundreds of tenants of the four project areas in my constituency who feel absolutely betrayed. They and their representatives have patiently worked to plan the regeneration projects hand-in-hand with the developers and the local authority over recent years. The...

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