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Results 1-17 of 17 for dogs speaker:Erin McGreehan

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Seanad: Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jun 2024)

Erin McGreehan: It is only €20 for a dog licence.

Seanad: Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jun 2024)

Erin McGreehan: I thank the Minister for her positive response to the Bill and her acknowledgement that it is part of the wider conversation. I absolutely agree with the Minister around XL Bully dogs. Those dogs are bred to be killers and to be dangerous. It is cruel for an animal to be bred and mutated - that is actually what it is - to be dangerous. While they can love you, they can kill you. A small...

Seanad: Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jun 2024)

Erin McGreehan: ...Minister in charge of this Bill is here. Often, we do not have a Cabinet Minister before us. I thank the Minister and the Cabinet for not opposing the Bill. In recent days, weeks and months, dog control and welfare has been at the forefront of her Department. Some days ago, there was a desperate tragedy when a poor young woman was fatally attacked by her dogs. It was an incredible...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (20 Mar 2024)

Erin McGreehan: I propose an amendment to the Order of Business: "That No. 11 be taken before No. 1." The reason for this is the introduction of my Bill, the Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024. I care for animal welfare. I believe that those who neglect animals or behave recklessly should be penalised. This Bill will strengthen the legislation in respect of the control of dogs. I have...

Seanad: Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: First Stage (20 Mar 2024)

Erin McGreehan: I move: That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to amend and extend the Control of Dogs Act 1986, and for that purpose, to provide for dog control notices, to provide for notices relating to the exclusion of dogs from certain premises, to amend the Control of Dogs (Dog Licensing Database) Regulations 2019 so as to provide for the mandatory maintenance of a dog licensing...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (23 Mar 2023)

Erin McGreehan: ...I wish to highlight a despicable physical assault on a Wicklow farmer, Pat Dunne, who has for more than 15 years allowed walkers across his land. He asked walkers last week not to bring their dogs. Unfortunately, that appeal was not adhered to or listened to, and he was physically assaulted. I have raised the matter of dog kills and dog walkers in recreational areas in the Cooley...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (14 Feb 2023)

Erin McGreehan: ...their wool, which is a sustainable product, has a market that and that it is being sold for what it is worth and what it should be sold for. We need an increased export plan. We also need to protect sheep from dogs. We have an absolutely lackadaisical approach to looking after sheep in relation to sheep kills. We really need to move on that very quickly. We have 35,000 sheep farming...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Erin McGreehan: Ms Creedon is very welcome. Her contribution was fascinating. I have learned things that I only half knew. Like the Acting Chairman, I also grew up on a farm and I have seen those dog attacks. I have walked into a field and it was like "The Last of the Mohicans". It is wild. When you see dogs attacking animals it is something that you will never get out of your head. Ms Creedon...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Erin McGreehan: ...for a drivers licence there should certainly be one for a licence for a creature that is a potential killer. People do not have the education and they do not understand. I have been bitten by a dog. I could not believe it from wee Benji there; he does not bite anybody. There he was hanging off my leg, however, so he certainly does bite. People are just not nailing it when it comes to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Erin McGreehan: .... She talks so much sense. If you have children, you might tell them to go to the playroom to calm down because they do not always need to stay in the same room as you. The same is true of dogs. They have their own personalities-----

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Erin McGreehan: I want to follow on from Senator Boylan. We know the Department of Rural and Community Development has responsibility for breeding. What I am hearing from Senator Boylan is that it is a dog welfare matter. What link is there with the checks and balances that the welfare section is putting on dog breeding establishments? To me, automation seems cruel and while it is convenient and dogs...

Seanad: Animal Health and Welfare (Dogs) Bill 2022: Second Stage (14 Dec 2022)

Erin McGreehan: I thank the Minister of State for being here for this important discussion. Every so often we see horrendous acts by dogs or unto dogs and this entire topic comes to the fore. It is all over the media and in the papers and then it goes. I genuinely believe that each Department then breathes a sigh of relief that it can sit in the mess for a wee while longer. We have been delaying change...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (27 Jan 2022)

Erin McGreehan: ...and the Marine, Deputy Charlie McConalogue, and the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Deputy Heather Humphreys, for renewing their annual call for people to protect lambs and sheep from dog attacks, especially during lambing season. As someone from a farming community and a sheep farmer, I know the damage that dogs can do to pregnant ewes and lambs. It is devastating. Our...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (28 Jun 2021)

Erin McGreehan: ...respect the beauty that we have here. When we visit places, we expect to find them in good condition and we want to leave them that way for the next person. I also ask that people bringing their dogs onto common lands, such as mountains, farmland and beaches, put their dogs on leads. When dogs are brought to a place where there is livestock, it is not the dog's fault if it runs after an...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (31 May 2021)

Erin McGreehan: ...outdoor summer. We need to embrace summer tourism. I look forward to travelling around the country and hopefully getting to some hot spots, cool spots or wet spots. We need more litter, traffic and dog wardens. We need more public toilets and lifeguards. We need to protect our special areas of conservation so that people do not light campfires. This was a problem throughout the...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (19 Apr 2021)

Erin McGreehan: ...being stalked. There is so much work to be done and there must be a whole-of-government response. I would love to have a debate on that in the House. I echo Senator Boylan's call for a debate on dog licensing. The system is completely antiquated and not up to date. I absolutely agree with the Senator's comments. On a positive note, I welcome the funding announced this morning for...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (15 Feb 2021)

Erin McGreehan: I raise a national issue which is about respect and manners among our citizens. We have people across the country dumping rubbish and letting their dogs off leads attacking sheep and we need to legislate for all this. We need to put far more restrictions on people and to spend resources on upping the number of litter wardens and dog wardens. It is about respecting our countryside, our...

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