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Results 81-100 of 777 for speaker:Cathal Berry

Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Commemorative Events (10 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: 2. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the plans in place to mark the centenary of the foundation of An Garda Síochána in 2022; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [41671/20]

Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Commemorative Events (10 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: I congratulate the Minister on her very good news and offer my very best wishes to her family. My question pertains to An Garda Síochána, an organisation that has played a pivotal role in the life of this State. The centenary of the foundation of An Garda Síochána is coming up in 2022. Can the Minister outline the State's plans to commemorate this historic occasion?

Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Commemorative Events (10 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: I thank the Minister of State for that very detailed and comprehensive reply. I have a few suggestions. The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors is of the view that a commemorative medal could be struck and presented to every serving member of An Garda Síochána. I am of that view myself. A very similar suggestion was made in 2016 for members of the Defence Forces....

Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Commemorative Events (10 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: I have another suggestion. The Garda Síochána Retired Members Association is of the view that an oral history project could be considered. A very similar project for Defence Forces personnel is taking place in the Military Archives in Cathal Brugha Barracks. There is a large volume of testimony and eyewitness accounts from Garda Síochána operations over past decades so,...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Developments in Georgia: Engagement with Ambassador of Georgia (10 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: I thank the ambassador and his team for an informative brief. Its graphics were excellent. He mentioned that Georgia hopes to submit an application to join the European Union in 2024. Realistically, when does Georgia hope to gain entry as a result of that application? Are the EU military monitors still on the ground or have they left? The ambassador said that in 2008 Georgia came...

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Statements (15 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: I am very happy to be part of a discussion marking the 50th anniversary of the signing of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. I thank Deputies Eoghan Murphy and Duncan Smith for their initiative in seeking this debate. The treaty was a watershed moment in human history. It limited the spread of nuclear weapons to nine nation states, which is an achievement in itself. There were five...

Covid-19 Task Force: Statements (17 Dec 2020)

Cathal Berry: I welcome the Minister and the Minister of State, Deputy Rabbitte. I am happy to be here on this very auspicious occasion. It is an historic event for the country. I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the Covid-19 task force and the national Covid-19 vaccination programme. I would like to make six points. First, I welcome the publication of the high level strategy...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (14 Jan 2021)

Cathal Berry: I wish to focus my questions on the vaccine roll-out. From the get-go I am one of the first to admit that there has been at least some progress from a vaccine point of view over the past three or four weeks. For example, we now have two fully approved vaccines in the country. I hope that from tomorrow fortnight there will be approval of a third vaccine candidate, and that is a good thing....

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (14 Jan 2021)

Cathal Berry: I thank the Tánaiste for those clarifications. My final question concerns the army of volunteers who have been working flat out in Covid testing hubs all over the country. Some of these people are members of the GAA or retired members of the Defence Forces. I even met Aer Lingus workers who are currently on leaves of absence. They are working unpaid and they epitomise the...

EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement: Motion (20 Jan 2021)

Cathal Berry: I thank the Minister for bringing this motion before the House today. I will support it reluctantly and with a heavy heart because I recognise that this is part of the formal ratification process by this Parliament of the new EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement. It is difficult in such a short time to convey adequately my feelings on an event that is so solemn and serious for this...

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation (27 Jan 2021)

Cathal Berry: My question is specific to the Government's vaccination roll-out strategy, particularly the fourth vaccine candidate from Janssen and Johnson & Johnson. Most of the Deputies present may not be aware but it will only require one injection rather than the usual two. Were it to be approved, it would greatly accelerate and simplify the vaccine roll-out process. The US Food and Drug...

Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission: Motion (27 Jan 2021)

Cathal Berry: I am conscious that we are a bit behind time this afternoon so I will endeavour to make my comments as brief as possible. I very much welcome the appointment of two new commissioners to the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission. I do so for three reasons. One, as others have mentioned, it is very good that the competition was run exclusively through the Public Appointments Service,...

Air Navigation and Transport Bill 2020: Second Stage (Resumed) (4 Feb 2021)

Cathal Berry: I will be sharing time with Deputy Shanahan with approximately 15 minutes for me before I hand over to him for the last five minutes. I thank the Minister of State for attending the Chamber to introduce the Air Navigation and Transport Bill. It is important legislation, in that it upgrades and modernises the regulatory framework for the aviation sector and brings us back in line with our...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Distribution of Covid-19 Vaccines to Developing Countries: Discussion (9 Feb 2021)

Cathal Berry: I thank our guests for their very informed commentary and testament. As a Member of Parliament hundreds of whose constituents are currently deployed overseas as UN peacekeepers in resource-poor countries and are themselves awaiting vaccination, I can completely identify with the issues the witnesses have highlighted and rightly raised this morning. The case they put forward is compelling....

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed) (18 Feb 2021)

Cathal Berry: I am sharing time with Deputies Canney and Tóibín. I thank the Minister of State for coming into the Chamber to bring the Land Development Agency Bill before us. We can all argue on the finer points but in general terms the direction of travel with this Bill is reasonable because it will most likely involve an acceleration of the roll-out of housing across the country. Everybody...

Health (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed) (24 Feb 2021)

Cathal Berry: I welcome the Minister. I am conscious of the clock so I will be as brief as possible to allow my colleagues to contribute before the close of business. I wish to make five points. First, I welcome this legislation. Of course, it is belated. We would all prefer to have mandatory hotel quarantine up and running at present, but it is better late than never. Second, I believe the...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (3 Mar 2021)

Cathal Berry: As the Taoiseach is aware, our peacekeeping troops are rotating overseas, to Syria, Mali and Lebanon in the next few weeks. A number of them have asked me to pass on their gratitude for the Taoiseach's personal intervention last week, which ensures that they will be vaccinated prior to deploying on a six-month tour of duty. I have no problem with doing that and it is very much appreciated....

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (3 Mar 2021)

Cathal Berry: I thank the Taoiseach for that helpful response. It is especially revealing about appropriations-in-aid and the United Nations portion of that. The United Nations rebate is earned by our peacekeepers overseas. What are the Taoiseach's thoughts on establishing some kind of standing arrangement or mechanism where the UN portion of appropriations-in-aid is ring-fenced and returned to the...

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation (4 Mar 2021)

Cathal Berry: I have a brief question on the Defence (Amendment) Bill 2020, Report Stage of which was scheduled to take place in the Dáil before Christmas. It is March now and we still have not had sight of it. I fully appreciate the delays caused by the third wave of the pandemic, but perhaps the Tánaiste might have an indicative date for when the Bill is likely to come back before the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Syrian Conflict: Engagement with Non-governmental Organisations (9 Mar 2021)

Cathal Berry: This is not a question but more of a thank you statement. I spent much time in Damascus, Hama and Homs in 2012 and 2018 so I am very familiar with the situation on the ground. I am also very familiar with the risks the witnesses and their people are taking and the great work they are doing out there. I thank them for everything they are doing. It is very much appreciated. They certainly...

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