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Results 1-20 of 98 for likes to work speaker:Patrick Costello

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Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

Patrick Costello: ...received a broad welcome from Deputies and the farming organisations. However, there is a broader issue here in the context of how we approach rights and obligations and the enforcement of same. To be blunt, we have created a Byzantine mess of quasi-judicial bodies. There is ultimately a risk of constitutional weakness, vulnerability and challenge to many of these and we need to respond...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Omudsman for Children Annual Report 2023: Ombudsman for Children (2 Jul 2024)

Patrick Costello: I welcome all our guests. There is a lot of respect in these Houses for their office and the work they all do. Theirs is a voice such that, when they speak, we should really be listening. For me, that was highlighted by the very positive engagement we had with the youth advisory panel. The witnesses are quite right with their title. These are uncertain times. I look at the recent NYCI...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals: Discussion (25 Jun 2024)

Patrick Costello: I have a few questions. We now have a child poverty unit within the Department of an Taoiseach. If we are working to eliminate child poverty, I ask about the interaction between the Minister’s Department and it. Is it working? Is it duplication? Are we seeing new things come from that? In his opening, the Minister mentioned the challenge of people enforcing their rights,...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Report on Assessments of Need for Children: Discussion (18 Jun 2024)

Patrick Costello: I thank the Minister of State. She has finished where I wanted to start. As Deputy Tully said, I often hear from families who have tried to source an assessment or intervention in the private market and are unable to do so or are still facing long waiting lists. There is a wider issue of recruitment and, as the Minister of State has said, therapists are a finite resource. There is a...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Report on Assessments of Need for Children: Discussion (18 Jun 2024)

Patrick Costello: The apprenticeship model is excellent and will certainly help with recruitment. Again, however, many of social work courses, for example, have vacancies in them. The colleges are not able to fill the courses themselves. It is not like the social work profession or colleges are trying to keep it as a finite resource. Students are not even going into college. One of the big challenges is...

Ireland's Recognition of the State of Palestine: Statements (28 May 2024)

Patrick Costello: Like others I think this is a hopeful day, and a day to celebrate. I was working in Palestine in 2014 when Sweden recognised the Palestinian state. I witnessed first-hand the hope and joy of the Palestinians around me, with Swedish flags appearing on taxis and everywhere. It was a celebration. It was a moment when they felt their struggle was recognised and seen, and that people were...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Review of Barnahus Model for Young People who have Experienced Child Sexual Abuse: Discussion (21 May 2024)

Patrick Costello: I thank the Chair and welcome and thank our guests. I have nothing but positive things to say about Barnahus. It is an excellent, much-needed and long-overdue service. It is an excellent service development. The DPSUs have been an excellent service development as well. I am really excited about being able to role this out. That said, when I look at how the Barnahus or the children's...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Healthcare Policy (20 Mar 2024)

Patrick Costello: 1236. To ask the Minister for Health the position for an update in relation to the HSE-led implementation group considering the Joint Committee on Health report on the proposed legislative recommendations in the Marie O'Shea report; how many times have the group met since being established; who are the members of the group; to identify the ten work-streams identified by the group; when the...

Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2023: Second Stage [Private Members] (22 Feb 2024)

Patrick Costello: I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I thank the Minister, Deputy Catherine Martin, for her time. I am delighted to bring forward the Bill to Second Stage. It is almost a year to the day since I introduced it, and the past year has certainly been interesting for broadcasting. It has perhaps shown the need for the Bill and made the need for it even more pertinent. The Bill is...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying: System for Assisted Dying and Alternative Policies: Discussion (Resumed) (13 Feb 2024)

Patrick Costello: Dr. Twomey spoke about how it came under the spotlight. Has he had any issues in respect of how conscientious objection is working in practice within the HSE? Is it working or not? Is there anything Dr. Twomey would like to see reformed?

Services for those Seeking Protection in Ireland: Statements (30 Jan 2024)

Patrick Costello: I welcome this opportunity to speak on the services and accommodation for people seeking protection in Ireland. It is very positive that we, as a nation, can provide those supports to people fleeing violence, war, oppression and brutality, and that they can come here and most importantly be safe but also be valuable and contributing members of society, if we let them, which is an important...

Situation in the Middle East and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Statements (18 Oct 2023)

Patrick Costello: ...attacks by Hamas was horrendous. Nothing can justify it. The scale and the nature of the bombing in Gaza in response is worse than anything we have seen before. The ground assault that is still to come will add yet more brutality. We must remember the root of the endless cycle of barbarity is the ongoing illegal occupation. The simple fact is that the cycle of barbarity will...

Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023: Second Stage (28 Sep 2023)

Patrick Costello: As has been said before, the Minister was totally right to say we need zero tolerance on the issue of domestic and gender-based violence. This is a scourge that still haunts our country and still exposes many people, many women and girls, to threats, violence and death. Their very lives are at stake here. This Bill proposing to establish a new agency is incredibly important because it...

Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) Bill 2023: Second Stage (20 Sep 2023)

Patrick Costello: I welcome the Bill. I welcome this change and reform to local democracy. It is, I hope, a real chance for change. Many improvements need to be made and we will get to that, but in reality local democracy in Ireland is rarely either local or democratic. Most of the power is held either by officials in the Custom House or by unelected officials. We are one of the worst countries in Europe...

Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2023: Second Stage (Resumed) (13 Jul 2023)

Patrick Costello: Like many of the Deputies who have spoken, I welcome this legislation. It is something I have campaigned for and spoken about positively. I am happy to see the legislation coming through. We must remember that, when it comes to accessing abortion services, it is important they be safe, local and legal. We had a strong campaign in this country to legalise abortion services and repeal...

Matters Arising in RTÉ: Statements (4 Jul 2023)

Patrick Costello: Like others, I want to speak on the importance of public service broadcasting and about media that measures the public benefit, not simply the economic cost. In commercial media we see shock, anger and division often being used to gather and hold audiences. These audiences are then trussed up and sold on to advertisers. The only reason the audiences are pulled in is to simply sell them on...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying: Assisted Dying, Legal and Constitutional Context: Discussion (13 Jun 2023)

Patrick Costello: ...Chair that this is a very important committee and it is very positive it has been set up. It is ten years since Marie Fleming's case. It strikes me that the Supreme Court invited the Oireachtas to look at this issue by saying it was a matter for the Oireachtas. It has taken us ten years to finally get around to having this committee. There are plenty of other areas where the courts...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Integration and Refugee Issues: Discussion (Resumed) (30 May 2023)

Patrick Costello: Thank you, Chair. I am also conscious that I have missed a lot of the discussion so I may be going over old ground. I just want to make a very quick point about the public consultation piece that was flagged. For me there are a couple of aspects and I would welcome further input on them. We have some elements of the public saying they should be consulted on this. An Taoiseach has been...

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