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Results 1-20 of 127 for likes to work speaker:Paul McAuliffe

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Seanad Public Consultation Committee: The Future of Local Democracy: Discussion (Resumed) (27 Jun 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: It is a great pleasure to be back in the Seanad, having been in the Dáil only four years. I spent my first few months in this Chamber, so it is a great pleasure to be back and to represent Fianna Fáil. I offer the apologies of our party leader, who I think is on his feet at the moment in the Dáil. I will preface my remarks by saying that while I have nearly ten years of...

Committee on Drugs Use: Drug Use Policy: HSE, Department of Justice and Department of Health (20 Jun 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: Much of this will lie with the Department of Justice, given the way we have criminalised addiction and so on. One of the challenges is trying to operationalise the citizens’ assembly’s recommendations, assuming that is what we decide to do. How can the Department assist us? Perhaps it would be as micro as assisting us in drafting the wording of policies around the Misuse of...

Committee on Drugs Use: Drug Use Policy: HSE, Department of Justice and Department of Health (20 Jun 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: I might make a recommendation after the meeting, but as we go through this process, perhaps a liaison to the committee from each Department would be useful for private sessions when we could have additional discussions on drafting and so forth. Much of this revolves around the legal and policy approaches, but a great deal relies on what Senator Seery Kearney discussed. Addiction often has...

Public Accounts Committee: Appropriation Accounts 2022
Vote 20 - An Garda Síochána
(21 Mar 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: I thank all of the witnesses for being here. A visit to the Committee of Public Accounts is never at the top of anyone's agenda. I know it involves a great deal of preparation. As much as anybody who comes before us, I know the witnesses have an incredible amount of work to do. On his appointment, the Commissioner said that crime is not like rain and does not fall equally everywhere. in...

Public Accounts Committee: Appropriation Accounts 2022
Vote 20 - An Garda Síochána
(21 Mar 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: Statistics can say many things, but there is very clear evidence that we do not have the Garda numbers that we should. On another point, the Commissioner also helped support the working group we had in 2019 in respect of scrambler bikes. That working group has followed through and we now have the new Road Traffic and Roads Act 2023. It has been fantastic to see a problem that was in some...

Child and Youth Mental Health: Statements (29 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: I acknowledge the motivation of Deputy Ward in bringing forward the Bill earlier in the week. I commend the Minister of State, Deputy Butler, on making this time available to discuss this issue. At the core of both of those things is a recognition that we know the people coming to our clinics need a better service. That is where we have to start. If we get into the game of second-guessing...

Public Accounts Committee: Appropriation Accounts 2022
Vote 33 - Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media
Sport Ireland: Financial Statements 2022
FAI: Matters relating to Governance and Funding
(22 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: I like the phrase "low single-digit millions". I think it was used correctly but it is an unusual phrase. I note the contrasts between those two conversations. The overall amounts on the payments of holidays are very small in the big scheme of the vast majority of the work. I want to accept that. To some extent, Mr. Hill is in a difficult position because the issue of CEO salary is not...

Public Accounts Committee: Appropriation Accounts 2022
Vote 33 - Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media
Sport Ireland: Financial Statements 2022
FAI: Matters relating to Governance and Funding
(22 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: It will not be unused, therefore. The costs of hosting the final fall heavily on, for example, local providers, such as local authorities, councils and so on. The local authority has worked hard on projects such as Dalymount stadium, which has a significant gap in overall funding, although the large-scale sports capital grant will, I hope, address some of that. Would the FAI consider...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (21 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: I move amendment No. 48: In page 40, to delete all words from and including “(1) Subject” in line 20, down to and including line 37, and substitute the following: “(1) The following shall be exempted developments for the purposes of this Act— (a) development consisting of the use of any land for the purpose of agriculture and development...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (21 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: transparently available in the sense of being in primary legislation? We have not yet seen the exempted developments that might come by way of secondary legislation. I suggest we amend the Act to reinstate the powers in primary legislation. I think the Minister of State will try to persuade me it is more appropriate to do it in secondary legislation and I am open to that argument but...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement: Key Issues Affecting Youth: North South Youth Forum (15 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: It is great to hear young people's voices from across the island in Leinster House. When I was a young person involved in youth work we did North-South discussions. There were people at that time who would not sit in the room together or shake hands. These were not politicians but young people. We are now operating in an entirely different environment. As adults we must realise there are...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Schools Building Projects (13 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: certain areas. Unfortunately, they have seen a reduction over time. They are large campuses. They are not new school buildings. They are often 50 or 60 years old. We need a broader policy to analyse those and to see how we can get the best value for money for investment in them. They also have great community value, for example. Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin, which I referred...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Departmental Programmes (13 Feb 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: My view is that the child poverty unit and the unit dealing with the roll-out of the north-east inner city model cover much of the same work. I welcome the Cabinet’s decision today to establish a task force for Ballymun which will be chaired by John Costello, formerly of the Dublin GAA county board. I thank the Taoiseach, Deputy Varadkar, and the Tánaiste, Deputy Martin, for...

Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023: Second Stage (18 Jan 2024)

Paul McAuliffe: When I saw the attendance I suspected my slot would come earlier so I took the opportunity to avoid the debate falling. I mention the phrase "success can have many mothers and fathers". It is not often I get the opportunity to congratulate both the Government and Opposition on good examples of a practical and pragmatic issue being brought forward, listened to in the Department and...

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023: Second Stage (23 Nov 2023)

Paul McAuliffe: I thought I was after the Independent Group but I am always happy to speak on a €2.3 billion package. That is what is before us. It is worth acknowledging the scale of the intervention in terms of the social welfare budget. There will always be criticism in this House about political priorities. Yet, the ESRI is a respected body and even its independent analysis states that the...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (16 Nov 2023)

Paul McAuliffe: It was interesting listening to Deputy Quinlivan. From experience, I can say that a party can go from being very big to very small very quickly. During my time in local government, I spent a lot of time thinking about the issue of posters. Dublin City Council came around to the view that it had more powers to work on the issue than it realised. That was when it took the initiative to...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Housing Schemes (9 Nov 2023)

Paul McAuliffe: I thank the Minister of State for outlining the circular issued to all local authorities. The Croí Cónaithe scheme has been invaluable. This has especially been the case in those areas where house prices are that bit lower than they might be elsewhere and additional works cannot be funded with borrowing because of the loan-to-value ratio and the cap the market places on homes in...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Consideration of the Citizens' Assembly Report on a Directly Elected Mayor of Dublin: Discussion (Resumed). (26 Oct 2023)

Paul McAuliffe: I will take my slot and if anybody wants to come in for a final round we will welcome that. Only to provide balance, because I do not disagree with anything anyone said - the lack of detail from the citizens' assembly is really disappointing because a lot of people hoped it could be the platform to bring this forward. The alternative could be worse as well. The Local Government (Mayor of...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Probation and Welfare Service (19 Oct 2023)

Paul McAuliffe: I welcome the Minister of State's putting those points on the record. I join him in encouraging anybody who was the victim of sexual abuse, in a historical context or otherwise, in the Probation Service to come forward. A probation officer has a sense of huge trust. The reports which came to me involved not the person themselves being the subject of probation but actually a family member....

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