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Results 1-20 of 198 for likes to work speaker:Malcolm Noonan

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Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Vacant Properties (19 Sep 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: The GeoDirectory database for quarter 2 2024 classifies 82,031 dwellings as vacant on a national vacancy rate of 3.9%. This remains a record low. The report showed that vacancy rates had decreased in 19 counties. The database published worrying figures for commercial vacancy. There are crisis levels of vacancy in many towns and villages across the country. In County Sligo, it is 20.5%;...

Seanad: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I will make a closing contribution. I will not make any further contributions because I want to try to progress this before the 6 p.m. break. On the critical points about the OPR, I must question the consistent running down of or misunderstanding about the role of the OPR. I have outlined it here this afternoon. There is, as Senator Boyhan mentioned, a scheduled periodic critical...

Seanad: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I will address amendment No. 57, tabled by Senators Garvey and O’Reilly, amendment Nos. 58, 60, 61, 63 to 70, inclusive, 72, 73, 75 to 77, inclusive, 79, 80 and 82, tabled by Senators Higgins, Ruane, Black and Flynn, amendments Nos 59, 62 and 74, tabled by Senators Warfield, Boylan and Gavan, amendments Nos. 71 and 83, tabled by Senators Moynihan, Hoey, Sherlock and Wall; and...

Seanad: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: Before I read my note on the amendments, I accept the points raised by all Senators. It is something about which we all have concerns and about which our constituents bring us their concerns, for example, issues around the visual impacts and perceived health implications. Senator Fitzpatrick mentioned that such infrastructure was largely planned by engineers. The element of public...

Tackling All Forms of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Statements (3 Jul 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: Again, I want to acknowledge how important and timely this motion is and to commend the Minister, Deputy McEntee, on her leadership throughout this term of Government. In the past few weeks, we have seen not only one, but two, incredibly courageous survivors of gender-based and sexual violence step up to very bravely go public about their own experiences and once again put a spotlight on...

Written Answers — Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government: Turbary Rights (25 Jun 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I understand that the Question refers to an area in Mount Brandon in County Kerry. Mount Brandon Special Area of Conservation (SAC) comprises the central and north-western parts of the Dingle Peninsula. It is a mountainous area that encompasses several peaks including Mount Brandon, Brandon Peak, and the Stradbally range which includes Beenoskee. The site includes blanket bog habitat...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Estimates for Public Services 2024
Vote 16 - Tailte Éireann (Revised)
Vote 23 - An Coimisiún Toghcháin (Revised)
Vote 34 - Housing, Local Government and Heritage (Revised)
(13 Jun 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: Since we came into government, it has increased significantly. Total provisions for 2024, between capital and current, were €54.4 million. On the capital side, the investment has gone into the infrastructure in the parks, such as trails, access, interpretation and improvement of visitor facilities, but also in terms of management of invasive species - rodent management is a big one,...

Seanad: Housing Commission Report: Motion (29 May 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I thank all the Senators for their contributions. I will address some of the points raised by Senators before my closing remarks. An overarching thing to say, which goes back to the point raised by Senators Warfield, Gavan and Boylan, about the notion that the Minister, Deputy O’Brien, dismissed the commission’s work, is that is certainly not the case. It is simply not the...

Written Answers — Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government: Turbary Rights (28 May 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: Schedule 4 of Statutory Instrument 386/22, which provides for the designation of the site at Lough Nillan Bog (Carrickatlieve) as a Special Area of Conservation, states that all activities relating to turf cutting and/or peat extraction – with the exception of continued domestic turf cutting from existing turf banks – on Lough Nillan Bog (Carrickatlieve) SAC (000165) require the...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Wind Energy Guidelines (21 May 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I thank Deputy Ó Cuív for raising this Topical Issue matter. At the outset, I would like to highlight that the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has responsibility for planning guidelines for onshore wind energy development. Following a recent transfer of functions from this Department, the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has...

Housing Situation: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (21 May 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I thank the Deputies for their contributions. I will try to address some of their queries and issues before making my statement. Deputy O’Callaghan again asked a broad question about whether Housing for All was working. We believe it is. It is taking time, but it is delivering positive results. The Deputy also raised the issue of relationship breakdown. It is a reality and has...

Citizens' Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss: Motion (18 Apr 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I am very grateful for the opportunity to speak today. I take this opportunity to formally welcome the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Environment and Climate Change report on the examination of the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss. I express my thanks to members of the committee, who worked collaboratively and very diligently to produce the report in a...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (27 Mar 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: Amendment No. 610 seeks to insert timelines for taking in charge as a further matter that may be subject to conditions. This is not workable in practice. The local authority taking-in-charge process is set out in section 238 of the Bill and a number of matters can influence how long this process takes. The matter of taking in charge can be a complex undertaking. First, the developer has...

Nature Restoration Law: Statements (7 Mar 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: Gabhaim buíochas leis na Teachtaí go léir. First, I will try to sum up the points made in the ten minutes I have. I thank all Deputies for their contributions. It is somewhat disappointing that the main Opposition spokespeople for agriculture and the environment have all left the Chamber. We often get criticised in this Chamber for not having Ministers present for Dáil...

Nature Restoration Law: Statements (7 Mar 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: My officials are listening. I am sure they will get copies across now. Before I speak to my vision for the nature restoration law and the opportunities it represents for those individuals, their communities and the wider rural economy, I will deal with some of the misinformation that has been at play in this debate. That is what it has been: misinformation and, dare I say it, in some...

Housing Targets and Regulations: Motion [Private Members] (6 Mar 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I will respond first to some points raised by Members. Deputy Andrews inquired about the Glass Bottle site. The figures are 25% social and affordable, 10% Part V and 15% additional affordable and social. I will have to come back to him on the oversight committee. Deputy Cian O'Callaghan raised points about the rough sleeper count. Again, I will have to revert on those. Deputy Paul...

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Electoral Process (5 Mar 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I thank Senator Malcolm Byrne for raising this issue. I have to declare an interest in that my children lobbied me this week to try to have their school included. Unfortunately, it is not, but they would certainly like to have their school included as one of the polling centres. I know the issue of how our elections and referendums are run is prominent as we prepare for the holding of...

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Energy Policy (5 Mar 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: I thank the Senator for raising this issue. It certainly brings to light a whole range of challenges from extractive industries in the supply chains of materials. I am taking this Commencement matter on behalf of the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications. While we are transitioning away from carbon intensive fuel sources at pace, coal is still a critical fuel source for...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (21 Feb 2024)

Malcolm Noonan: The following amendments relate to section 9 of the Bill regarding exempted development. I will be moving amendment No. 50, which is a minor amendment to a reference in section 9. Currently, the Bill refers to making exemptions for development that would, but for the repeal of subsection (1) of section 4 of the Act of 2000, be exempted development within the meaning of that Act. Limiting...

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