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Results 1-20 of 27 for data protection speaker:Pa Daly

Gender-Based Violence: Motion [Private Members] (3 Jul 2024)

Pa Daly: ...challenge that faces us in dealing with domestic, gender-based and sexual violence. I recall working in the courts and dealing with quite a few cases where there were breaches of barring orders, protection orders and the like. It was the exceptional case, probably only 5% of cases, that actually went forward to conviction and the giving of evidence. It was only in cases where there...

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Second Stage (2 Jul 2024)

Pa Daly: ..., that increase did not have any deterrent effect as the number of people carrying knives or being charged and convicted did not decrease. I know Deputy Jim O'Callaghan did not provide any clear data to the justice committee to show this provision is needed due to increased enforcement or because there are more people carrying knives. Given the decline in the number of gardaí in...

Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009: Motions (25 Jun 2024)

Pa Daly: ...of the UN Human Rights Committee, which has stated that "the trying of civilians by [these non-jury courts] should be very exceptional...". We also believe the use of any non-jury court must be compliant with international human rights standards; set a high bar on the exceptional circumstances to be met; be subject to judicial oversight; and involve independent human rights oversight to...

Transfer and Processing of Passenger Name Record Data: Motions (17 Apr 2024)

Pa Daly: ...the time. The importance of international co-operation in the fight against crime can be overstated. I agree with what the Minister of State said in his opening statement about the exchange of PNR data. It has to be balanced with the protection of privacy and other fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. We will not be opposing these motions. I agree that the processing of...

Transfer of Passenger Name Record Data: Motions (14 Feb 2024)

Pa Daly: As the Minister stated, PNR data is the information provided by passengers and collected and held in the reservation systems of the carriers for commercial purposes. The content during book in and check in may also include personal data of people on their own or with other people. This can assist authorities in identifying criminals. Like yesterday’s debate about facial recognition...

Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023: Report and Final Stages (8 Nov 2023)

Pa Daly: On Committee Stage, we moved an amendment to section 41 after concerns were raised with us regarding the safeguarding of personal data of victims and survivors in the context of any information request made by the agency to a service provider under that section. In fairness to the Minister, she said she would check out the point. She contacted us to say she had received advice from the...

Select Committee on Justice and Equality: Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023: Committee Stage (17 Oct 2023)

Pa Daly: they may refuse to comply with this request and request a review process be instigated". I have had discussions with some of the NGOs which have said that clear and explicit language on the protection of the personal data of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence victims needs to be used. While it is provided for under data protection legislation this aspect of a...

Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023: Second Stage (28 Sep 2023)

Pa Daly: ...out the context of the Bill. The State ratified the Istanbul Convention in March 2019 and it entered into force in July of that year. That convention created a legal framework at pan-European level to protect women against all forms of violence. It aims to prevent, prosecute and eliminate violence against women and domestic violence. The Group of Experts on Action against Violence...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Legislative Process (11 Jul 2023)

Pa Daly: As I said in a debate on legislation in recent weeks, I have sympathy for the Data Protection Commission in that it is under-resourced and, at some stages, it seems deliberately so. I also note the Government increased funding to the Data Protection Commission long after we in Sinn Féin made provision for doing so in our alternative budget under Deputy Martin Kenny two years ago. It...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Legislative Process (11 Jul 2023)

Pa Daly: ...and transparency activists. It is their view that the commission already uses its powers to direct non-disclosure far too liberally. According to the Government, the intent behind the law is to protect data given to the commission rather than to give the commission the ability to declare proceedings confidential. On a reading of the amendment, however, the powers are radical in that...

Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009: Motions (27 Jun 2023)

Pa Daly: ...justice system. It proposes that this is not be based upon conjecture or fear. Aneurin Bevan used to talk of fear of the bogeyman and used to say that if one does not have a programme then a bogeyman will do. It should be based on statistics and data which can objectively state why a long-held desire for jury trials be maintained. The report sends a message to the entire system that we...

Opt-in under Protocol No. 21: Motions (21 Jun 2023)

Pa Daly: ...allows the secure exchange of information over a telecommunications network with other gateways to be carried out and a connector to link connected IT systems to the gateway for the purpose of exchanging data with other such IT systems. The system also contains digital procedural standards and has supporting software products, documentation and other assets listed in the annexe to the...

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: An Garda Síochána (13 Jun 2023)

Pa Daly: 877. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the cost of GDPR and data protection training for at least four members of An Garda Síochána per district headquarters. [27366/23]

Central Statistics Office Sexual Violence Survey 2022: Statements (17 May 2023)

Pa Daly: ask how we can combat it. Better statistics on sexual violence must be our starting point. We currently lag significantly behind the United Kingdom when it comes to this. The gathering of data over there includes information on age, gender, ethnicity and so many other areas. I suspect that if we keep these data on a more regular basis, we will quickly learn the nature of sexual...

EU Regulation on Collection and Transfer of Advance Passenger Information: Motion (25 Apr 2023)

Pa Daly: ...and replaced by two different regulations. There is, as was outlined in the briefing document, a close connection between this regulation and the regulation on collection and transfer of API data for facilitating external border controls. As the Minister of State outlined, because Oireachtas approval is required, that has to be done prior to, I think, 6 May. It is important to note that...

Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2023: Second Stage (22 Feb 2023)

Pa Daly: relevant to the legislation on bodycams we discussed last week, which specifically refers not to members of An Garda Síochána but to Garda personnel. That might need to be teased out at a later stage when discussing who has control of the data, for example. It is a very responsible role and we will have to look at that in further detail. I also welcome the Minister of State...

Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022: Second Stage (1 Feb 2023)

Pa Daly: ...about the same number of pages, and there is a presumption of lawfulness where any conduct confirms with a code of practice. The rank of garda who can approve a search of automated numberplate recognition data is also to be set out in a code of practice rather than within primary legislation. I can understand the need for flexibility on issues such as the type of recording device used,...

Mother and Baby Institutions Redress Scheme: Motion [Private Members] (19 Oct 2022)

Pa Daly: ...motion. I also acknowledge all the work that the Minister has done over the past number of years in this regard. The issues with the report, the redress scheme and access to testimony and other data are well known at this point. The fact that claims are still to based on length of time rather than the degree of abuse or other factors is worrying. The most recent revelation regarding...

Proposal for a Directive on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence: Motion (21 Jun 2022)

Pa Daly: ...the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Strictly an approach of criminalisation will not work and provision of shelters will be key. More broadly, access to decent employment, social protection payments, housing, childcare and wrap-around services, as evidenced by Catherine Casey and her team in Tralee, all help. When women can access the resources, they are less dependent...

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