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Results 1-20 of 21 for 5 million speaker:Paddy Burke

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (28 Jun 2023)

Paddy Burke: ...contacted by members of other local authorities. They are looking for further funding for active travel and they feel they are not getting what they require. The Mayo allocation for 2023 is €4.5 million, and in 2022, it was €5 million, amounting to a reduction in funding of 10% this year over last year. I think it is the same in some other local authorities. The local...

Seanad: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage (21 Jun 2021)

Paddy Burke: be change. It is ironic that we are debating this on a day when two important reports came out. One is a report by Dr. John Bradley on the Atlantic rail corridor from Galway to Mayo, which is 50 km in length and would cost €154 million, including a 20% contingency. When I asked the Minister about the corridor from Athenry to Claremorris some months ago, he responded very...

Seanad: Matters Arising from the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU: Statements (29 Mar 2021)

Paddy Burke: ...Senator Ahearn alluded to the €1.2 billion we were getting from Europe's Brexit fund. I understand that the French are trying to renegotiate that and that we could lose anywhere between €300 million and €400 million of it. We were to get €1.2 billion out of over €5 billion. I ask the Minister to confirm whether that is true. If it is, what countries...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (15 Feb 2021)

Paddy Burke: bring to the Minister for Finance the message that local print media need financial assistance urgently. Resources have been provided to the local radio stations. There was an allocation of €5 million, in two funding rounds, to support Covid coverage but the print media have got no assistance at all. In County Mayo, there are four print media, namely,The Connaught Telegraph,...

Seanad: Mental Health and Covid-19: Statements (12 Feb 2021)

Paddy Burke: I do not see what the difference is between people walking around a course and holding a stick in their hands to hit a ball. This is an area that the Government should consider in terms of 5 March. One of the big areas that concerns mental health is drugs. I compliment the Garda on taking the step to perform drug tests at work. The Government should consider introducing drug...

Seanad: Seanad Bill 2020: Second Stage (18 Nov 2020)

Paddy Burke: ...the provision in the Bill to establish a commission for reform of the electoral register. If one looks at the practical outcome of reforming Seanad Éireann, the franchise could be extended to between 4 million and 5 million people. That is twice the number of people that vote in Dáil elections to elect 160 Members. There would be double that to elect 60 Members to a second...

Seanad: Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2016: Committee Stage (Resumed) (9 Apr 2019)

Paddy Burke: ..., community gain or strategic infrastructural projects,". I spoke on this section on Second Stage, as did a number of Senators, and I welcomed that the Minister has included in the Bill section 4(18)(A)(5)(b), which states, "notwithstanding section 18(3), where he or she is satisfied that land should cease to be designated as a natural heritage area, make an order to amend or revoke the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Discussion Paper on Taxation: Deputy Marc MacSharry (28 Jun 2018)

Paddy Burke: ...discussion document and I compliment him on bringing it forward. I am not so sure why he threw in the knowledge box because I believe only a handful of companies have availed of this and only €5 million or €6 million have been paid in corporation tax, so it would not make much of a dent in the €1 billion that this is going to cost.

Seanad: Budget 2018: Statements (10 Oct 2017)

Paddy Burke: ...a result of Brexit. The main provisions of the budget were outlined by the Minister earlier. He referred to real growth of 4.3% this year. Next year growth is expected to be in the region of 3.5%, which is a major achievement. The country is growing year on year. In each of the last 19 quarters the economy has been growing and that growth has been spread across every region....

Seanad: Business of Seanad (26 Jun 2013)

Paddy Burke: ...for the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to ensure the Government will proactively endorse the bid to host the 2018 Gay Games in Limerick, given that the games would be worth up to €80 million to the city and Ireland more generally and that the alternative bids from London and Paris have been officially endorsed by David Cameron and François Hollande; and if he will...

Seanad: Business of Seanad (20 Jun 2013)

Paddy Burke: ...Averil Power of the following matter:The need for the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to ensure the Government will proactively endorse the bid to host the 2018 Gay Games in Limerick, given that the games would be worth up to €80 million to the city and Ireland more generally and that the alternative bids from London and Paris have been officially endorsed by David Cameron...

Seanad: Business of Seanad (19 Jun 2013)

Paddy Burke: ...need for the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to ensure the Government will proactively endorse the bid to host the 2018 Gay Games in Limerick, given that the games would be worth up to €80 million to the city and Ireland more generally and that the alternative bids from London and Paris have been officially endorsed by David Cameron and François Hollande; and if he...

Seanad: Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (No. 2) Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (18 Dec 2009)

Paddy Burke: ...would get a refund of the excise duty as happened in the 1980s when the drink was returned to the bonded warehouses and the price refunded. The small amount of money involved - between €5 million and €6 million - is an enormous amount of money to those wholesalers, who employ about 3,000 people, to keep their show on the road. If some of those wholesalers go out of business, it will...

Seanad: National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (11 Nov 2009)

Paddy Burke: my colleague, Senator Coghlan, who also raised it on Committee Stage. It concerns property acquired by NAMA. Obviously, such property will be taken in for a reason, say, if there are over €5 million in borrowings and they are related to housing, land and so forth. There are quite a number of developers and house builders in that bracket. I heard a house builder say on a radio...

Seanad: National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Second Stage (9 Nov 2009)

Paddy Burke: ...have been promoted. While in some of the years between 2004 and 2009 we made a small surplus, by and large, our spending was getting out of control. It went from €31.6 billion in 2004 to €55 billion this year. It was obvious that spending was getting way out of hand. As we all know, the building boom was bringing in the money. We must consider what happened in that regard. In the...

Seanad: Elder Abuse: Statements (8 Apr 2009)

Paddy Burke: mention an issue that has been raised by Senators Fitzgerald and Prendergast, namely, the support scheme for older people, which has been good. The grant aid for devices for people aged over 65 years of age has been withdrawn. This is a sad day. We are discussing the report and abuse of the elderly, but withdrawing those forms of security is an abuse. I have seen at first hand the...

Seanad: Gas (Amendment) Bill 2008: Second Stage (3 Feb 2009)

Paddy Burke: ...linking Mayo with the north-east pipeline. The statistics given by the Minister of State are interesting. I did not know that as much as 60% of our electricity was generated by gas. Around 5% of our gas comes from the UK, which is significant, and I notice that only 2% of the UK gas market is supplied by Ukraine or Russia. The problems with the pipeline were not a significant factor for...

Seanad: Order of Business (1 May 2008)

Paddy Burke: ...occasions that the Minister might discuss with us matters such as the proposed new building regulations, planning guidelines and zoning. It is estimated that the population will increase to 4.9 million or 5 million by 2041. The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and his Department are taking a hands-on approach to the affairs of local authorities regarding the...

Seanad: Pharmaceutical Pricing: Statements (4 Mar 2008)

Paddy Burke: .... Why did the HSE not allow an independent arbitrator to negotiate and come to some agreement with the pharmacists? I believe it was because the Minister for Finance decided he would take €100 million out of the budget for health, end of story. The Minister for Health and Children found herself short €100 million and decided she could not afford to have an independent arbitrator in...

Seanad: Swimming Pool Projects (13 Nov 2007)

Paddy Burke: ...on local authorities when one considers benchmarking and local contributions the Department proposes they make. In this case, I am led to believe the Department will put forward a grant of €3.8 million whereas the cost of the swimming pool for Castlebar will be approximately €9 million or €10 million. The local authority will not be able to come up with a local contribution of €5...

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