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Results 1-20 of 54 for data protection speaker:Lynn Ruane

Seanad: Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009: Motions (25 Jun 2024)

Lynn Ruane: ...of their representative peers. The minority report of the 2023 independent review group, signed by Dr. Alan Greene and Professor Donncha O’Connell, highlighted that, notwithstanding a paucity of data, conviction rates in the Special Criminal Court are "markedly higher than those of the High Court and Circuit Court where juries are used". This finding is a matter of significant...

Seanad: International Protection, Asylum and Migration: Motion (19 Jun 2024)

Lynn Ruane: ...on migration in Ireland has become more destructive and reductive. This is why I believe it is more important than ever for those of us who are motivated by a sense of global justice and the protection of our shared and fundamental rights to take the opportunity to shape the discourse and the development of fair and just migratory policy. The EU has the potential to be a positive...

Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Second Stage (14 May 2024)

Lynn Ruane: ...challenges that come with regulating the industry more tightly, it is important we maintain focus on the individuals who use gambling services or are engaged in gambling activity and how we can protect and safeguard them and reduce the associated harms from problem gambling through robust legislative protections. We also have to look at strengthening the safeguards for those who are not...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: EU Regulations and Directive on International Protection, Asylum and Migration: Discussion (Resumed) (30 Apr 2024)

Lynn Ruane: ...the context of non-refoulement and the EU pact. The information provided by the witnesses does not go into how the pact interplays with previous conventions in the context of eroding some of the protections and core principles within those conventions. Will the witnesses comment on what assessment or analysis they have carried out on pact in the context of the watering down or dilution...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: General Scheme of the Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) (Amendment) Bill: Discussion (13 Feb 2024)

Lynn Ruane: ...has been made to 22,000 hours of footage but surely it is not being suggested that those 22,000 hours of footage would be scanned and every single face processed. Scenario No. 3 of the European Data Protection Board guidelines on FRT and law enforcement deals with the example of a riot or protest. The guidelines clearly state that a generic national legal basis will not meet EU law...

Seanad: Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (12 Dec 2023)

Lynn Ruane: incorporate a broader and more diverse range of perspectives. Both amendments Nos. 21 and 22 have intentions similar to that of amendment No. 20, adding expertise in "human rights and equality matters” and “data protection”, respectively. As drafted, the legislation will mean no representation on the board from persons who are impacted by the delivery of policing...

Seanad: Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (12 Dec 2023)

Lynn Ruane: I move amendment No. 22: . In page 29, line 21, after “management” to insert “, data protection”.

Seanad: Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (8 Nov 2023)

Lynn Ruane: ...selective use of body cams or the legislation will be toothless and we will be in the exactly the same position as the UK. The legislation, as drafted, creates specific penalties for destroying data collected by a body cam but it does not create any penalties for selectively turning on and off body cams, which we know to be real issues from looking at other jurisdictions. On Second...

Seanad: Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages (11 Oct 2023)

Lynn Ruane: ...permission. Chapters 2 and 3 include such important processes as obligations to obtain permission and consult the board. Let us be very clear. Strategic infrastructure investment includes data centres. Why is this being included in the Bill? What is the rationale for that? There is no good reason why we should disapply large sections of our planning law from so-called strategic...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: General Scheme of the Irish Prison Service Bill and of the Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Bill: Discussion (3 Oct 2023)

Lynn Ruane: ...a criminal case rather than the list or even any sort of general definition? Perhaps this is more for the Department, but I am trying to read heads 33, 34 and 35 in relation to the sharing of data between the Legal Aid Board and the courts. In head 35, it is stated that with the consent of the Minister, the board may prescribe suitable, specific measures in terms of the data, which...

Seanad: Road Traffic and Roads Bill 2021: Committee Stage (1 Feb 2023)

Lynn Ruane: ...more use of AI and facial recognition, have all set out in the beginning with the intention that these were not for surveillance. Then the mission creep begins where something that was there to protect society becomes something that is then used for surveillance because of the access to the data. As regards the other point of being able to go back to actually amend primary legislation to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: General Data Protection Regulation Enforcement: Discussion (22 Sep 2022)

Lynn Ruane: I thank Ms Sippel for providing that clarification. Ms Daly said that Spain's legislative framework allows its data protection authority to make decisions but that it probably has less to consider. Would the introduction of two more commissioners in the DPC support the move to defining in the legislation that decisions have to be made because there would be three DPC commissioners working...

Seanad: Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (13 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: ...1: In page 26, line 6, after “collect” to insert “relevant” I welcome the Minister of State to the Chamber. Amendment No. 1 seeks to insert the word "relevant", in respect of personal data which can be collected by relevant persons for relevant immigration and social welfare enactments. The purpose of the amendment is to ensure that not only data which are...

Seanad: Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (13 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: ...x201c;Review (Part 5) 45. The Minister shall, not later than six months following the commencement of this Part and every six months thereafter, oversee a review of the collection and processing of data under this Act, with particular reference to the necessity and proportionality of the continued collection and processing of personal data, including special categories of personal data,...

Seanad: Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (13 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: ...for the phrases "security of the State" and "threat to the security of the State". These definitions are essential to provide a clear legal threshold, which can form the basis of a decision about data retention. One of the core principles we need to follow as legislators is that the provisions we put into law must be clear and unambiguous and easily understood by all. It is not clear...

Seanad: Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (13 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: I move amendment No. 8: In page 8, line 7, to delete “an” and substitute “a serious”. Amendments Nos. 8 and 11 seek to clarify that data retention powers should only be exercised in respect of serious offences or serious revenue offences. It is important we do not see situations where data privacy rights are being trampled over to tackle minor offences. Once...

Seanad: Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (13 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: I move amendment No. 14: In page 37, between lines 5 and 6, to insert the following: “Protection of journalistic sources 7E.(1) Sections 6B, 6D, 6E, 7B, and 7D shall not apply in the case of data belonging to a journalist, and no powers may be exercised in respect of the retention, preservation or disclosure of data of a journalist as a matter of urgency, without relevant...

Seanad: Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (13 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: Amendment No. 14 seeks to insert a new section into the Bill which would provide additional protection in respect of data journalists. It would provide for the non-application of certain sections of the Bill in respect of journalists' data, specifically the sections which provide for the use of emergency powers in respect of data retention. Certain sections of the Bill, for example, the...

Seanad: Communications (Retention of Data) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (11 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: that have resulted in us dealing with this legislation here today. I echo the concern at the lack of speed with which pre-legislative scrutiny was carried out in respect of the Bill. The Data Protection Commissioner only received a finalised version of the general scheme of the Bill less than 24 hours before appearing before the justice committee as part of the pre-legislative...

Seanad: Circular Economy, Waste Management (Amendment) and Minerals Development (Amendment) Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (7 Jul 2022)

Lynn Ruane: ...of sections 22, 23, 33 and 34 of the Bill. Sections 22 and 23 make provisions for the codes of practice around local authorities' CCTV schemes. Section 23 and 34 relate to the admissibility of data collected through the CCTV schemes as evidence in criminal trials. Again, it is our assertion that these sections of the Bill are unnecessary and provide opportunity for problematic scope...

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