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Results 1-12 of 12 for epa speaker:Grace O'Sullivan

Seanad: Annual National Transition Statement on Climate Action and Low Carbon Development: Statements (4 Dec 2018)

Grace O'Sullivan: happening, and has been happening for the last number of decades and action is required now. The Joint Committee on Climate Action has been holding hearings with officials from the Minister's Department and other Departments over the last few weeks. It is hard to believe that we are talking about the same global climate crisis. The subtext from the Departments is one of "business as...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Rural and Community Development: Rural Transport Policy: Discussion (Resumed) (20 Jun 2018)

Grace O'Sullivan: I thank the witnesses for their presentations. Recently, Dr. Eimear Cotter, director of environmental sustainability in the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, said Ireland is locked into a trend of rising carbon emissions. She was referring to the transport and freight sector. The freight line between the Port of Waterford and Ballina recently ceased. Currently we do not have a...

Seanad: Radiological Protection (Amendment) Bill 2018: Committee and Remaining Stages (30 May 2018)

Grace O'Sullivan: is left up to the landlords and their agents. It was, therefore, decided that when the standard for rented housing regulations were next revised, they would address radon. This was adopted as national policy in February 2014. In 2016, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government consulted with a select group of stakeholders regarding revision of the rented housing...

Seanad: Radiological Protection (Amendment) Bill 2018: Committee and Remaining Stages (30 May 2018)

Grace O'Sullivan: I accept what the Minister said. He obviously recognises the impact of radon on public health. What I am proposing is that we would get a comprehensive report from the EPA. However, I understand that the buck stops with the Minister. If I understand him correctly, he is giving the House a commitment that he will report back to the House and assure us that steps are being taken with regard...

Seanad: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015: Statements (6 Dec 2017)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...for bad weather and is unfortunate for everyone. Ireland is one of only four countries in the EU where greenhouse gas emissions are still above 1990 levels. The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, has shown that agricultural emissions increased last year by 2.7%, following a 1.5% increase in 2015. In his speech on Monday at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine's Food Wise...

Seanad: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015: Statements (6 Dec 2017)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...a human-centred approach, safeguarding the rights of the most vulnerable and sharing the burdens and benefits of climate change and its impacts equitably and fairly." I would like to know how the Department for Housing, Planning and Local Government has had regard to climate justice when developing its sectoral adaptation and mitigation plans and frameworks? Climate change has been...

Seanad: Water Services Bill 2017: Second Stage (9 Nov 2017)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...of the need to secure Irish Water in public ownership. A Bill regarding the constitutional protection of water services in Ireland is working its way through the committee process, too slowly in my opinion, but we need to prepare for what was one of the most adamant and the primary recommendation of the committee — that privatisation of water services be made entirely impossible....

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Marine Resources (26 Oct 2017)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...year we have seen a large number of new reports on the negative impact of micro-plastics on the marine environment, filling much of the previous data gap. In June the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, published a report that found that exposure to micro-plastics in drinking water and food prepared with contaminated water posed a risk to human health and wildlife. The Green Party's...

Seanad: Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Prohibition of Onshore Hydraulic Fracturing) Bill 2016: Committee and Remaining Stages (28 Jun 2017)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...for the island of Ireland and beyond. Nevertheless, as Senator Higgins outlined, my sense is that we are talking about a global issue. Will the Minister of State consider requesting that the EPA would conduct the similar study for offshore fracking as for onshore fracking? However, one way or another, as I stated initially, there is a contradiction. We are either moving towards a just...

Seanad: Order of Business (24 Nov 2016)

Grace O'Sullivan: In response to what Senator Reilly said earlier about water quality, this morning the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, launched the urban wastewater report, which shows that raw sewage is still being discharged from 43 areas across the country. One of the areas of poor quality is the area Senator Reilly spoke about, Rush. I am delighted to hear that there will be improvements in that...

Seanad: Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Bill 2016: Second Stage (16 Nov 2016)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...flood alleviation projects in the section. As the Minister will be aware, Ireland is required under the Water Framework Directive to achieve good status in all of its water bodies. Recently the EPA published its State of the Environment report and it demonstrates just how badly Ireland is failing in that regard. The European Court of Justice in the Weser case made it clear that member...

Seanad: Communications, Climate Action and the Environment: Statements (6 Jul 2016)

Grace O'Sullivan: ...catastrophe as representing an enormous threat to humanity. It has the potential to destroy countless lives. It was proposed that "climate action" be included in the title of the Minister's Department and ministerial responsibilities. If I had to pick two words to sum up what we expect from the Minister, they would be "climate action". Based on what he said , I hope he will be our...

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