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Results 1-20 of 288 for likes to work speaker:Catherine Connolly

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Mental Health Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) (19 Sep 2024)

Catherine Connolly: ...tell us whether that is years or months. I believe that one or two patients, or people, have been residents in that unit for years. That ties in with the housing crisis and there being no place to discharge people. Can the Ceann Comhairle imagine that we have somebody in an acute mental health unit because there is no place for them to go? I appreciate that the Minister of State...

Defamation (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (19 Sep 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I appreciate the time to speak on this Bill. I wish I had more time. The Dáil is just back in session and this is very serious legislation, as is the next Bill we will consider, the Mental Health Bill 2024. The Defamation (Amendment) Bill involves a lot of reading. I have a lot of people to thank for their help. Once again, under pressure, the library and research service has...

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024: Second Stage (9 Jul 2024)

Catherine Connolly: ...bord in ann déileáil leis na cásanna atá os a chomhair so beidh gá le tuilleadh acmhainní. Beidh gá le hathbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar an mBille freisin ionas go mbeidh monatóireacht i gceist le fáil amach an bhfuil sé ag feidhmiú. I will not repeat all that, but I welcome this very short Bill and I thank the Minister of...

Defence Forces: Motions (3 Jul 2024)

Catherine Connolly: Interestingly, in the report on the service of members of the Defence Forces with the UN, which one of the motions proposes to accept, rather than giving us an outline - although you pay tribute to them, which I welcome - and highlight the fantastic peacekeeping work they do and the lives they have saved, almost two pages of your speech tonight were devoted to the triple lock. You refer to...

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members] (2 Jul 2024)

Catherine Connolly: obair atá curtha isteach ag na Teachtaí Dála Mairéad Farrell agus Eoin Ó Broin. Tá siad ag díriú an spotsolais ar ghné den earnáil tithíochta seo. Is gné amháin é. I welcome the opportunity to speak on this legislation and thank Deputy Farrell and her colleague Deputy Ó Broin for introducing it. It is very...

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (26 Jun 2024)

Catherine Connolly: Unfortunately, the relevant Minister has left. I hope the Minister, Deputy Humphreys, will be able to answer my question. Like other TDs, I draw her attention to a letter in which those in direct provision who have permission to stay were given an eviction notice for 5 July. In the particular case of which I am aware, both parents work. They have a child who has moved three times - from a...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Disability Services (11 Jun 2024)

Catherine Connolly: Ireland signed the UNCRPD in 2007 and ratified it in 2008. We have utterly failed to ratify the optional protocol to the convention, which would allow people to take an action. For years, we have moved away from charity. I welcome changes the Minister has made, including the different bonuses that have been given. However, organisations working with people with disabilities have...

Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (29 May 2024)

Catherine Connolly: Before we move on, I would like to acknowledge the presence of Senator Seery-Kearney in the Chamber. I know she is particularly interested in this Bill and has worked very hard in this area.

Housing Situation: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (21 May 2024)

Catherine Connolly: Fortunately, or unfortunately, in my rush, I have come in without glasses. I want to pick up from where I left off earlier. I thank Sinn Féin for this motion. It allows me to go into a little more detail, maybe with less passion than earlier. We had the report of the Housing Commission today and I look forward to reading the whole document. We already referred to the most important...

Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (2 May 2024)

Catherine Connolly: ...have the privilege, although I do not know if it is a privilege, of being the last speaker on Thursday afternoon. The Bill has 24 sections, three Parts and one Schedule. Ostensibly, it sets out to do four things. One is to establish an external oversight body on a statutory basis. There is already a body in place but it is not on a statutory basis and it is a good thing that this Bill...

Supports for Survivors of Residential Institutional Abuse Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) (1 May 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I welcome the opportunity to speak on the Bill. There are 21 sections and 4 Parts. There has been no regulatory impact analysis and no explanation has been given for that. It faced pre-legislative scrutiny. A detailed report was carried out, which gave a detailed background and had ten key recommendations in addition to other recommendations. I understand all ten have been completely...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Flood Relief Schemes (23 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I thank the Minister of State. I appreciate that he is going to take a personal interest and is giving a commitment. However, there is flooding practically every year in Galway. That has been known about for a very long time. Following the mapping situation, we were into the action. The action was set out, as I said. I do not like repeating myself or wasting time, but this is extremely...

Acknowledgement and Apology to the Families and to the Victims of the Stardust Tragedy: Statements (23 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I think I am the final contributor. The Taoiseach gave a fulsome address and apology, which is to be welcomed. However, this apology will only be meaningful if it determines the next steps and if it examines how we got into this position. The Taoiseach has talked about how the institutions of the State let the people down. They did a lot more than that; they actively contrived to prevent...

Citizens' Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss: Motion (18 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I am glad to have the opportunity to have five minutes on this but I put it to the Ceann Comhairle that it is not enough. I would ask the Business Committee to look at this. Last week we were in the Chamber for two and a half hours on the smoking ban, a measure that is 20 years old and very successful. Today there is 75 minutes on this motion. I thank the Chair of the committee and the...

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Bill and like with the sovereign fund, I have done my best to understand it. It is difficult not coming from a financial background. There are 141 sections and nine Parts or 79 Parts; I have forgotten. I have tried my best. Let us look at what the Minister is telling us. She is telling us that there are twin goals and I acknowledge the work...

Road Safety: Statements (17 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this and I wish the Minister of State all the best in his new role. The first person to be killed in the world in an automobile accident was in Ireland. Mary Ward fell under the wheels of a motor vehicle while she was travelling in Birr, County Offaly, in 1869. Since then the number of deaths on our roads has been catastrophic. As of 16 April, 63...

National Cancer Strategy: Motion [Private Members] (16 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: ...what this motion seeks are very basic things based on the national cancer strategy. For the life of me, I cannot understand how the Government can stand over such an amendment. I speak here today in the context of Galway, where a brand-new scanner sits unused and where, in the accident and emergency services today there were 60 patients on trolleys, some of them in the ED, making it...

Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Bill 2024: Second Stage (10 Apr 2024)

Catherine Connolly: Fáiltím roimh an deis píosa cainte a dhéanamh faoin mBille seo atá thar a bheith tábhachtach. I welcome the opportunity to speak on the Bill. I put an effort into understanding it, because we are dealing with massive figures and different terminology and finance, which is not my area but over the years here I have learned to take notes. I thank the Library and...

General Practice and Local Health Services: Motion (20 Mar 2024)

Catherine Connolly: The Minister of State has; it is not pleasant. Somebody related to a person who works with me spent time on a trolley in a hospital in Dublin today and it was utterly chaotic. I have been a Member of the House since 2016 and nothing has changed. Representatives of HIQA attended the regional hospital last year. The hospital serves almost 1 million people. HIQA stated in March last year...

Nature Restoration Law: Statements (7 Mar 2024)

Catherine Connolly: I will finish by referring to bánú, the depopulation of the Gaeltacht areas and the rural areas. While it is a fantastic to have "Danú", at the moment we have bánú, so we need to look at the two. I am fully behind the Minister of State on this matter and I would like to work with him.

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