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Results 1-19 of 19 for data protection speaker:Colm Burke

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Childhood Obesity: Discussion (10 Jul 2024)

Colm Burke: ...Covid-19 pandemic. The increase in childhood obesity rates experienced by our closest neighbour, the UK, during the pandemic did not happen here in Ireland. Nonetheless, it is concerning that the data continues to show higher levels of overweight and obesity in areas of disadvantage. Living with overweight and obesity can have a significant impact on a child's welfare. Such children are...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Child and Family Agency (10 Jul 2024)

Colm Burke: ...go missing or abscond from a placement. Missing children in care is an issue which covers both mainstream services for children in the care of Tusla and separated children seeking international protection, SCSIP. The Department of children receives fortnightly reports from the Tusla SCSIP service that includes the most recent statistics on referrals to the service, the number of...

Seanad: National Cancer Services: Motion (19 Jun 2024)

Colm Burke: ...and we need more co-operation between both sides in developing additional services. Ireland has made important developments in improving the clinical trials and health research landscape, including the development of a national health research data protection impact assessment template. This template is being rolled out in HSE sites. More recently, the HSE has agreed on a clinical trial...

Seanad: Loneliness: Motion (1 May 2024)

Colm Burke: ...action plan, a mental health promotion framework is currently being finalised, with a focus on universal and targeted mental health promotion interventions across the life course, and in key settings, to support people in protecting and enhancing their mental health and well-being and reducing mental health inequities. The Department of Health and the HSE will continue to improve the...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Medicinal Products (29 Feb 2024)

Colm Burke: respect of the European Union's revision of pharmaceutical legislation given that EU Parliamentary Committee votes are expected in March 2024; if he supports proposals to reduce regulatory data protection for manufacturers; to outline the impact that such a reduction will have on patients; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9698/24]

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on the Roll-out of the EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate (21 Jul 2021)

Colm Burke: ...letter we got from the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, ICCL, says this new functionality would go far beyond the app's original scope and would, prima facie, not be in accord with the European Data Protection Board guidelines in respect of tracking apps. That is what ICCL is saying to us. What is the officials' response to that?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on the Roll-out of the EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate (21 Jul 2021)

Colm Burke: ...we are using will suddenly have to be stopped. I want to ensure we have clarification on that. The ICCL and Digital Rights Ireland are saying that it is not in accordance with the European Data Protection Board guidelines. They have set this out in writing and that is why I am raising this issue.

Seanad: Health (General Practitioner Service) Bill 2018: Second Stage (5 Jul 2018)

Colm Burke: ...increase. Therefore, the people who provide care must be given support. We also need to examine other areas. I recently raised home care provision with the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Representatives of home care providers whom I met reckon we need up to 10,000 additional home carers within the next few years. We need to examine the social welfare system....

Seanad: Misuse of Drugs (Supervised Injecting Facilities) Bill 2017: Second Stage (5 Apr 2017)

Colm Burke: Senator Ó Ríordáin who did a huge amount of work on this when he was a Minister of State. I thank him for that. This legislation is the correct way to deal with this issue. It will provide protection for people who are injecting drugs. It is about trying to provide some support for those people and to protect them from contracting other infections and diseases. It is...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: General Scheme of the Health Information and Patient Safety Bill: Discussion (14 Dec 2016)

Colm Burke: ...that we have that regulation. There are now 32 different companies in the country providing home care and, while they are all very good, it is still something we need to do. I will refer to the data protection issue and how far we have come. A number of years ago I spoke to someone who worked in a maternity unit where it was accepted practice that a person living in a particular area...

Seanad: European Commission Decision on State Aid to Apple: Statements (4 Oct 2016)

Colm Burke: ...ensuring local authorities can deliver amenities, housing and other things. It is important that we recognise that fact. In addition to the employment Apple is providing in Ireland, it has also agreed to proceed with a €850 million data centre in Athenry, which is another significant investment. Apple has made a major contribution to this country. There are 18,000 jobs in...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Charities Regulatory Authority (21 Sep 2016)

Colm Burke: ...reluctance. How can we work on that? Another thing I wanted to touch on and go back over is the sharing of information. All public representatives are coming up against this now. People quote the Data Protection Act to us. Is the authority finding this to be a difficulty at the moment? Does Mr. Farrelly believe there could be far more sharing of information to assist the authority?...

Seanad: Order of Business (29 Jun 2016)

Colm Burke: ...Senator Landy on the number of items being raised during the Order of Business. It would be far more practical if we stuck to one item. I wish to mention an issue raised by the retailers' group RGDATA. This concerns the report from the Data Commissioner on the use of CCTV footage to prevent crime in retail units. Retailers have now been advised that they cannot share this footage with...

Seanad: Fines (Payment and Recovery) Bill 2013: Second Stage (26 Feb 2014)

Colm Burke: ...under the Court Officers Act 1945 who may be a receiver, so we would not be appointing somebody new into the justice system but using the existing facilities, which is a welcome change. There is also the issue of data sharing between the Revenue Commissioners, the Department of Social Protection and the Courts Service, which is also welcome. This is about all the arms of the State...

Seanad: Health Identifiers Bill 2013: Committee and Remaining Stages (12 Feb 2014)

Colm Burke: ...structures. There is one advantage as we know the mistakes made by other countries and health systems. It is important that we learn from that and put in place a safe system both in respect of the protection of data and in ensuring data can be accessed in an efficient and proper manner by health care personnel. It is an important step but we have much work to do. This is just one of the...

Seanad: Restorative Justice Process: Motion (20 Mar 2013)

Colm Burke: ...their first time in the courts. The motion refers to a directive from the European Parliament dated 2012. The purpose of the directive is to establish minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. The articles refer to the need for the victim to understand and be understood, receive information, be heard, have access to victim support services, enjoy...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Mar 2013)

Colm Burke: ...Professor John Crowe, the president of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, and other key people who were not consulted when this decision was arrived at by the Department, the HSE and the Data Protection Commissioner. I ask that this meeting be held within the next seven days because 31 March 2013 is the deadline. I have already had an Adjournment debate in this House on the...

Seanad: Adjournment Matters: Newborn Screening Cards (7 Feb 2013)

Colm Burke: identify six rare diseases; the screening cards are also known as Guthrie cards. Unfortunately the cards retained between 1966 and 1984 were destroyed as a result of water contamination. The Data Protection Commissioner has ruled that the cards for the period 1984 to 2002 must be destroyed. Many people in the medical profession believe such a move would be a retrograde step and that...

Seanad: Order of Business (5 Feb 2013)

Colm Burke: local community level. He was also very much involved in dealing with people in Northern Ireland and made a significant contribution there. I would like to raise the issue of the ruling by the data protection agency requiring the cards containing the results of blood tests on newborn children to be destroyed. All of these cards, known as Guthrie cards, are stored at Temple Street...

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