Results 1-20 of 2,118 for speaker:Michael Mullins
- Seanad: Order of Business (3 Feb 2016)
Michael Mullins: On this historic occasion, it is not possible but to reflect on how fortunate we are to have a democracy in this country. We see how difficult the commencement of peace talks have been in Syria and the various appalling situations people are facing around the world. We in Ireland have a democracy where power transfers seamlessly from one Administration to another. There were many young...
- Seanad: Order of Business (2 Feb 2016)
Michael Mullins: I welcome the fact that unemployment figures have dropped significantly in the past year. There are 30,500 fewer people unemployed than there were 12 months ago. The unemployment level is down to 8.6%. We can see evidence that the income that is being generated as a result of more people being back at work is being spent productively in all our communities. In my own town, Ballinasloe, I...
- Seanad: Order of Business (28 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I join Senator Bacik in welcoming the fact that peace talks on the Syrian conflict are starting today in Switzerland. I hope all parties to this appalling conflict engage in an meaningful way to bring an end to the appalling atrocities, loss of life and starvation among the ordinary citizens of Syria, which we see on a daily basis. It is time this conflict was brought to an end. I hope the...
- Seanad: Order of Business (27 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I join colleagues in complimenting Members of this House who participated so actively and played such a major role in the Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis. The publication of its report today is to be welcomed. As Senator Barrett has said, the report has highlighted widespread institutional failures, both internally and externally. Hopefully, the many recommendations of...
- Seanad: Public Transport Bill 2015: Second Stage (27 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I will call Senator Barrett, with the agreement of the House, in order to facilitate his role in the launch of an important document at 3 p.m. Is that agreed? Agreed.
- Seanad: Public Transport Bill 2015: Second Stage (27 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: That seems more like a general statement on public transport. It does not really refer to-----
- Seanad: Public Transport Bill 2015: Committee and Remaining Stages (27 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: As it is 4 p.m., we must conclude proceedings but perhaps the acting Leader might seek to extend the debate for a couple of minutes in order to conclude.
- Seanad: Public Transport Bill 2015: Committee and Remaining Stages (27 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: Is that agreed? Agreed.
- Seanad: Order of Business (26 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I support Senator Mooney in what he just said. All Members regularly receive such e-mail scams. Recently, I have been getting one such scam consistently, which claims to be notification from the Revenue Commissioners that a refund is due to me.
- Seanad: Order of Business (26 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: If only it were true. Given the current level and sophistication of technology, I am surprised it is not possible to get to the source of such scams because that is the only way in which they can be stamped out. All Members and all right-minded people are horrified by the reports being heard on a daily basis regarding the horrific murder that has resulted in an unfortunate victim's body...
- Seanad: Local Government Review: Statements (26 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Sherlock and I welcome that the Minister for the Environment, Deputy Alan Kelly, attended the House to commence the debate. In fairness, the Minister hit all the right notes in his speech. He recognised the very significant change in the role and workload of the councillors since 2014 local government reforms were put in place. I also welcome his...
- Seanad: Local Government Review: Statements (26 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: If we are to achieve success we all need to work together on this.
- Seanad: Order of Business (21 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I support Senator Conway's call for a debate before we end this term with the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport on all the positive things that have happened in tourism in recent years. When the Government took over in 2011, it rightly identified the significant contribution tourism could make to the economic recovery. The Government set about investing and marketing Ireland as a...
- Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: Will the Leader indicate if, in the remaining weeks of this Seanad, it would be possible to have a wrap-up meeting with the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Deputy Bruton, on the Action Plan for Jobs in light of the plan's launch on Monday, 18 January 2016? When the country was on its knees in 2012 and we were haemorrhaging jobs, the first Action Plan for Jobs was launched with...
- Seanad: Flooding: Statements (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I welcome the Minister of State and join colleagues in complimenting him on the hands-on approach he has taken from the word go. He interacted well with communities to give them reassurance. It is appropriate that we have this discussion in order that the members of the public who were badly impacted during Christmas and whose lives were made miserable by the awful floods can see the...
- Seanad: Flooding: Statements (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: Yes. I need to flesh this out a bit more. I will bring a number of matters to the Minister of State's attention on their behalf. The CFRAM proposals are closely aligned to what the Ballinasloe Flood Alleviation Group has put forward regarding the Station Road bund. The group proposes that it could be put in place for a cost of €480,000, and seeks funding under the small schemes...
- Seanad: Flooding: Statements (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: A recent survey showed that 60% of the homes protected by the flood wall cannot get flood insurance. We ask the Minister of State to fast-track the application for temporary flood barriers.
- Seanad: Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: I, too, compliment Senators Bacik and Hayden on introducing this Bill and bringing forward legislation that will help improve the protections afforded to certain categories of employees who provide valuable services and who do not have the protection that organised employees have. As I understand it, any practice that distorts competition or has that as an objective is both a civil wrong and...
- Seanad: Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: When is proposed to take Committee Stage?
- Seanad: Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (20 Jan 2016)
Michael Mullins: When is it proposed to sit again?