Results 1-20 of 6,497 for speaker:Seán Kyne
- Seanad: Gnó an tSeanaid - Business of Seanad (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: I propose Senator Garret Ahearn.
- Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: The Order of Business is No. 1, motion regarding proposed approval by Seanad Éireann of the Sectoral Employment Order (Construction Sector) 2024, back from committee, to be taken without debate on conclusion of the Order of Business; No. 2, Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2024 - all Stages, to be taken at 11.45 a.m., with the proceedings thereon, if not previously concluded, to...
- Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: I thank all Senators for their contributions this morning. I join with everyone who has paid tributes to Martin Grove, Bridget Doody and the Seanad staff, as well as to the staff of the Houses, from the ushers to the staff in the restaurant, canteen and Dáil bars, for their work and courtesy in recent years. I join with others in wishing everyone who is running for election to this...
- Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: How would they agree on anything? How would they agree a budget or legislation? Nothing would be done. It would be chaos. She talked of a litany of faults in this country. Ireland is a great country with a bright future ahead of it, and an even brighter future if this Government is re-elected over the coming weeks. Senator Higgins spoke about Western Sahara. I know she has been a...
- Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: We do not know.
- Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Obviously, there seemed to be a large number of spoiled votes. That concludes the Order of Business.
- Seanad: Sectoral Employment Order (Construction Sector) 2024: Motion (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: I move: That Seanad Éireann approves the following Order in draft: Sectoral Employment Order (Construction Sector) 2024, a copy of which has been laid in draft form before Seanad Éireann on 23rd October, 2024.
- Seanad: Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024 [Certified Money Bill]: Second and Subsequent Stages (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: It is safe to say that democracy involves a cost and that the running of our democratic institutions involves a cost. The Houses of the Oireachtas Commission does important work in terms of resourcing and staffing of the Houses and providing for the staff employed by the Members of the Houses. Those staff perform exceptional duties on our behalf. The are on the front line in my cases. The...
- Seanad: Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024 [Certified Money Bill]: Second and Subsequent Stages (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Now.
- Seanad: Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024 [Certified Money Bill]: Second and Subsequent Stages (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Now.
- Seanad: Appropriation Bill 2024: Second Stage (7 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: The Minister is welcome. This is important legislation to ensure the funding next year of the State’s public administration and the various services funded by each Department, including the Department of Health, and each agency, including the HSE, in addition to all our social welfare programmes. It is important that there be certainty regarding the Estimates. Both Houses have a...
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Calleary.
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: When is it proposed to take Committee Stage?
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Is that agreed? Agreed.
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: When is it proposed to take the next Stage?
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Is that agreed? Agreed.
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: When is it proposed to take the next Stage?
- Seanad: Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024: Second and Subsequent Stages (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Is that agreed? Agreed.
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces: Discussion (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: I welcome the Minister of State and the team from the Department. On the relationship between local and regional drugs and alcohol task forces, has analysis been done recently on the number of task forces, whether there is a need for additional task forces or whether there is demand? Has this come up in recent years?
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces: Discussion (6 Nov 2024)
Seán Kyne: Do the witnesses envisage those discussions will form parts of the drugs task force review or the new drugs task force?