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Results 1-20 of 20 for destroyed speaker:Gerald Nash

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (27 Jun 2024)

Gerald Nash: Dereliction is a disease. It is insidious. It destroys communities. Nothing saps the confidence of a town like dilapidated, derelict, dangerous buildings. Vacancy unchecked is the gateway to dereliction. There are nearly 2,000 derelict sites in Ireland, and they are just the ones that have been recorded and have made it onto the derelict sites register. There is an acute situation in my...

An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (25 Jun 2024)

Gerald Nash: .... Three years on, we are still waiting for the Minister, Deputy O’Brien’s, review to be published. While we wait for that report, the cancer of dereliction - that is what it is - is destroying places like Drogheda. It is an insidious thing occurring all around the town. Pro-property owner laws and laissez-faireenforcement are destroying our towns. As the Taoiseach is...

Housing Targets and Regulations: Motion [Private Members] (6 Mar 2024)

Gerald Nash: ...itself is beginning to wake up to the damage it is doing to our society and economy. The industry was recently lambasted by one of its own, the boss of Cairn Homes. He said that the lack of affordable housing was destroying the economy and driving a kind of housing-induced brain drain, forcing our brightest and best out of the country in search of a home. He noted that home ownership...

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2023: Second Stage (8 Feb 2024)

Gerald Nash: .... There is a massive imbalance of power. Our society is replete with examples of banks and other financial services institutions using untrammelled power in the past - indeed, some are using it still - to wreak havoc and destroy lives. We need to value independent and impartial bodies like the FSPO and make the necessary investments and adjustments to the legislative provisions...

Access to Autism and Disability Assessments and Supports: Motion [Private Members] (24 May 2023)

Gerald Nash: ...intolerable. I know the Minister of State will agree it simply cannot go on. It is inhumane and it needs to change. The bureaucracy and the lack of effective responses from the HSE are, I am afraid to say, destroying families. One long-time advocate told me yesterday that while there is evidence of some improvements in the education system, which can be patchy, the health system is...

Confidence in Government: Motion (29 Mar 2023)

Gerald Nash: Destroyed the country.

Drugs Policy: Motion [Private Members] (30 Nov 2022)

Gerald Nash: ...we have an obligation to change it. To do otherwise is criminal neglect. I represent an area where gangs fight over the drugs trade. I have seen people shot dead and many more maimed and butchered, homes destroyed by arson attacks, kids traumatised and decent people that I represent living in constant fear. I have been at the forefront of crafting a multi-agency response to this crisis...

Financial Resolutions 2022 - Budget Statement 2023 (27 Sep 2022)

Gerald Nash: ...too many, the harsh reality is that Ireland is simply not working. Our market-knows-best housing model is trashed, vital climate targets are being missed, the cost of looking after our youngest is soaring and the scandal of low pay diminishes and destroys us bit by bit every day. Now, we are faced with the dire prospect of almost half of Irish households entering into energy poverty and...

An Bord Pleanála: Statements (15 Sep 2022)

Gerald Nash: ...the question of integrity and public trust. We know only too well, and experience in relatively recent history tells us, how the greed and avarice of some politicians and some public officials over the years destroyed confidence in the political system, local government and some other important institutions of State. An Bord Pleanála has, by and large, commanded the confidence of...

Residential Property Market: Motion [Private Members] (11 May 2021)

Gerald Nash: ...issue facing young people and I agree with him. It is also the biggest issue facing our society more generally. Precarious housing and precarious work produce precarious lives. Precarious lives destroy communities and wreck social cohesion and they will destroy our social contract. The Minister made reference in his contribution to the fact that it used to be the case that if one...

Financial Resolutions 2020 - Budget Statement 2021 (13 Oct 2020)

Gerald Nash: ...known deadly disease on our island before. In the 1800s, the Great Hunger saw millions emigrate or die of famine, diphtheria, cholera, fever and smallpox. In the last century, TB or consumption destroyed thousands of lives. It may be folk memory now, but its legacy lingers on. It took the vision of a socialist, Deputy Noël Browne, to deliver the infrastructure and the drive that...

Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009: Motions (24 Jun 2020)

Gerald Nash: ...circumstances. In Drogheda there are a relatively small number of people involved at the top of these criminal enterprises, but their actions and those of the gangs they control have damaged and destroyed countless lives. We are all rightly horrified when young men such as Keane Mulready-Woods are barbarically murdered. Vicious events such as these capture the national and...

Seanad: Crime Policy: Motion (2 Oct 2019)

Gerald Nash: ...Garda Síochana locally in the past year or so. This includes shootings, alleged kidnappings, pipe bomb attacks, and drug debt intimidation. August saw our first fatality. Drug debt intimidation has destroyed the fabric of some of Drogheda's communities. It has created an environment of unprecedented tension, where people are looking over their shoulders and everyone is under...

Seanad: Report on Lone Parents in Ireland: Statements (25 Oct 2017)

Gerald Nash: this country to work, as does the Minister and everybody in the House. Those who are able to work and those in a position to work should be able to do so. I have seen too many lives and communities destroyed by a lack of available work and because a system has written them off in terms of working activity at far too early a time in their lives. That has a destructive impact on the...

Seanad: Convictions for Certain Sexual Offences (Apology and Exoneration) Bill 2016: Second Stage (1 Feb 2017)

Gerald Nash: ...LGBT citizens had - the paralysing fear of being found out, always having to look over one's shoulder and having to pretend to be someone one was not so as not to bring shame on one's family. That completely destroyed countless lives in this country. I often wonder how many good people were lost to this country through emigration, not as a direct result of economic misery but of the deep...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Employment Rights (15 Jul 2015)

Gerald Nash: ..., which is an important institutional change aimed at tackling low pay from every perspective in a sustained and structured way. We do not want to tackle the issue of low pay, which can be a soul-destroying and crushing experience for anybody, in a piecemeal fashion. We need to do it in a structured way. I have gone into some detail about the legislative provisions and the code of...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Ambulance Service Provision (8 Jul 2014)

Gerald Nash: 756. To ask the Minister for Health the number of National Ambulance Service vehicles destroyed by fire between 2008 and to date in 2014; the action the NAS has taken with the manufacturers of the vehicles concerned; if the NAS is reviewing the terms of the organisations contract with the manufacturer in view of these serious incidents which threaten the safety of NAS staff and patients; if...

Hundredth Anniversary of 1913 Lock-out: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (19 Jun 2013)

Gerald Nash: of me, I cannot recall one single instance. Dare I say - and this is difficult for me to suggest - but it could be argued cogently that Fianna Fáil - between its various periodic efforts to destroy this country's economy - did more to advance opportunities for working people in this State - than some of the predecessors of some of the Members who moved this motion. While this...

Independent Inquiries into Planning Irregularities: Motion (Resumed) (13 Jun 2012)

Gerald Nash: I propose to share time with Deputy Dara Murphy. No one did more to destroy confidence in politics and planning in this country than the Fianna Fáil Party. This motion has nothing to do with restoring confidence and trust in planning and politics. As Fianna Fáil seeks to leave its tarnished past behind, it sees the shortest route back to respectability as attempting to tarnish the entire...

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